The Daihaseisai.

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"Come on Ben!! Hit those targets!!"

"Come on Mikoto, I'm running ragged here, I think my body temperature is decreasing by a couple degrees."

It was the day before the Daihaseisai. The event that went by this name was known to be as famous as the World Cup. Who could blame anybody? The only city in the world to develop espers would undoubtly be on the spot light during any of its huge events. Ben had just received the okay yesterday for using his alien powers. It had come in the form of an official notice. However, the notice had also set certain restrictions. Certain aliens, such as Atomix and WayBig had been banned (nobody knew about Ben's Ultimate aliens yet). Ben didn't blame them, the 500 ft tall WayBig was the pure definition of overkill. So here Ben was in the park at 7:00 in the evening, as HeatBlast, firing fireballs at targets Mikoto would lift into the air using electromagnetism.

"Your school is still one hundred years from facing Tokwadai, so if this is going to be a fair fight, you're going to have to carry most of the weight." Mikoto said. "So you better be in tip top shape tomorrow or I'll be too ashamed to even throw a spark at you!"

It was Mikoto's suggestion that they started out with HeatBlast. Ben agreed, not for any logical reasons, but mainly because the flaming headed humanoid creature made of molten rock held a sort of nostalgia for Ben. HeatBlast had been the first alien he ever turned into.

"Come on Mikoto." HeatBlast groaned in his fiery voice. "We've been at this for 3 hours and people are staring."

Indeed people were staring. Over the course of Mikoto's training session, a steady crowd of students and teachers had gathered to watch as the 3rd level 5 drilled an alien flamethrower. People had actually gotten out camera phones and were recording the whole thing.

"Get a grip Ben!!" Mikoto said sharply. "There are going to be literally millions of more people then this watching! So ignore them and just do your thing!"

Mikoto thrust her hand out at a pile of metal girders (Kuroko helped teleport them from the scrap yard). The girder glowed with static and flew up into the air. HeatBlast sent out another ginormous fire ball and blasted the girder apart. The two small metal fragments that remained fell to the ground. Some elementary school children in the crowd pointed and clapped, speaking in Japanese which Ben could only understand vaguely (Ben's knowledge of Japanese had increased a bit with help from Mikoto, but his fluency was still extremely lacking).

"Mikoto?" HeatBlast said nervously. "Are you sure we're allowed to do this?"

"No." Mikoto said. "But if we aren't, they can't blame us for not knowing. It's not as if there are aliens all over this town."

"Unless you count those guys", HeatBlast muttered as he noticed many of the kids in the crowd were carrying little stuffed alien dolls (thank goodness, no one had bought the Sailor Moon GreyMatters).

"Now!" Mikoto said rubbing her hands together. "Use your flames to burn an exact drawing of Gekota into the grass!!"

"Now even I know that isn't allowed!"

"Are you questioning your trainer!?"

Finally after 30 more minutes of target hitting and about several more minutes running from park security robot drones, Ben was walking back to his dorm drinking heavily from a bottle of water. Mikoto had said she would meet Ben back at the dorm, apparently an ice cream place had just come up with a new Gekota themed flavor. Ben at the moment was trying to figure out the best way to ask Mikoto about the strange incident he had ran into those couple of days before.

"Hey Mikoto, did you know that you have around 10,000 exact replicas of you and one of them has a crush on me? No, that's not right." Ben said scratching his head and then taking another chug of water. "Hey Mikoto, seen your sisters recently? No that's not right either."

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