Hero Time

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Snare-oh whipped his tentacle bandages at Vilgax and began wrapping him in tendrils until Vilgax looked like a mummy himself sitting on his throne. Vilgax tore through the bandage tendrils and roared in fury. He stood from the throne and began stomping towards Snare-oh with a malicious fury gleaming in his eyes.

"Foolish boy!!" Vilgax roared. "Do you really believe that a pathetic Thep-Khufan can defeat me!!? After that pathetic evolved Vaxisaurian form could not!?

"I believe that you're a big dope!" Snare-oh exclaimed. "I also believe since this ship is going to crash, we're screwed either way! But before I go, I'm going to give you the biggest butt kicking of a life time!!"

Vilgax punched Snare-oh through his torso, the large clawed fist tore through his bandage like body. But Snare-oh merely took Vilgax by the head again, and threw him across the room. The hole in Snare-oh's chest immediately regenerated with more bandage like tentacles. Snare-oh stretched his arms till they grabbed each of Vilgax's arms. Snare-oh then quickly contracted his stretchy arms, launching himself forward until he kicked Vilgax in the face with both feet foreward. Snare-oh then agiley  jumped out of the way when Vilgax struck back with another punch.

"Thought you said this alien was pathetic!" Snare-oh mocked. "But I'm walking all over you right now!"

"That form is pathetic!!" Vilgax said furiously.

"Oh yeah?!" Snare-oh jumped behind vilgax and sent out a multitude of tendrils from his chest area which pinned Vilgax to the ground. "Pathetic huh? My best friend named this guy. So I'm not going to lose as long as I'm Snare-oh.....Got it!!?"

Vilgax furiously tore through the tendrils again and grabbed some of the tendrils still connected to Snare-oh. He then whirled Snare-oh over his head like a nunchuck and threw him through the metal door which broke as Snare-oh tumbled into the hall. Vilgax began walking towards Mikoto.

"Let's see how cocky you are after I splatter your friend all over the walls!!"

Snare-oh got up and quickly stretched out his tendril fingers which wrapped around Vilgax's leg and pulled him forward, causing him to his back. As Vilgax hit the floor the ship trembled.

"It seems we are entering the atmosphere." said Vilgax as the ship began to tremor more and more.

"Then I guess I had better wrap this up." said Snare-oh. "No pun intended."

Snare-oh used the bandages on his back to reach out behind him and rip apart several extremely large tubes which turned out to be extremely big power cables. Snare-oh then brought the cables forward and touched them to Vilgax's chest who began to violently glow and shake as enough power to run the entire front end of a Vilgaxian ship shocked him.

While Vilgax's body was immune to some forms of electrical attacks, when struck with this much power, it was a different story. Vilgax fell to the metal floor with a deafening clang, his entire body smoking. Snare-oh set down the power cables and ran to Mikoto's side. He picked her up and cradled her carefully in his large yet thin arms.

"I'm so sorry......"Snare-oh said, a tear came out from the eyehole of his golden mask. "I don't know what came over me back there......"

Mikoto put her hand against Snare-oh's masked cheek. "It's okay......that thing.....GhostFreak.....it wasn't you, it was never you. By the way......why did you pick Snare-oh of all aliens.........?"

Snare-oh blinked his glowing green eyes. "I thought that was obvious....... I picked Snare-oh because you named it. And if we were going to die here, I thought I would like to go down using something that meant something to me."

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