Epilogue: War is Coming......And Love is In the Air!?

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If anybody had ever watched the movie Godzilla and thought that nothing like that could ever happen, then they were strangely mistaken. Because the morning of the second day of the Daihaseisai, a ginormous alien known as a To'kustar was seen on the northern coast of Japan coming out of the water movie monster style. Those who knew about Ben Tennyson quickly realized that the 500 ft tall red and white alien with a fin on it's head was WayBig. And those sensible people, thank goodness, managed to stop others from calling the military to bring it down. It took approximately 5 hours for WayBig to reach Academy City at walking speed, at least that's what the reports said. The big thing on everyone's mind though, was what Ben was doing in the middle of the ocean in the first place.

Aleister Crowley already knew of course. A mere 2 hours after Vilgax's ship had crashed, he had already sent his secret personal division in Antiskill to scavange the remaining wreckage of usefull alien technollogy. Aleister now floated in his usaul spot upside down inside his tank contemplating what he thought would be the greatest leap ever in his plans. The awakening of GhostFreak. Who knew why Aleister wanted to reawaken that monsterous lord of Anur Phaetos within Ben Tennyson. Aleister's plans never usually revealed the reasoning until the last moment, when it was just about to succeed. But there was one thing for certain.........war was coming, and it wouldnt just be on a worldwide scale........This time the entire Universe would participate.

"Your game grows ever more dangerous Aleister." Echoed the monsterous voice of Diagon the Destroyer. "Now there is no turning back.....with Zs-Skayr's persona awakened within the Omnitrix, Tennyson grows ever closer to unlocking the one form that transcends all others."

"Old One." said Aleister smiling. "So you once again grace me with your ethereal presence. Is the fact that you actually deign to talk to an insignificant spec such as myself mean that you feel threatened?"

"I? Threatened?" Diagon scoffed, his ancient presence seemed to shake with hilarity. "I merely feel that you are slightly worthy due to you being as annoying as you are for so long......... However it won't be me who eventually feeds you your punishment. I sense that Ben Tennyson and Misaka Mikoto will become more then you bargained for................... Though they are an annoyance to me too, they will be an even greater annoyance to you."

"We shall see." Said Aleister. "So is that why you have come? To laugh at me?"

Diagon seemed to pause for a while before responding. "I merely came to observe you amusing spec. Because that is what you are..........amusing."

"I think you are afraid." said Aleister lightly. "You know that I have succeeded where you haven't. You knew of Vilgax's treachery and failed to dispose of him. Yet I have done so before you even managed to return to this dimension."

"Don't be foolish Aleister." Said Diagon. "Because you're part of my plans as well."

The Daihaseisai was on it's final day, night had fallen, and the folk dance was about to begin. A giant bon fire had already been lit and venders were preparing food trucks nearby. Ben never really dug dances. The most dancy he every got was when he was fighting to the death with a psychotic alien freak. Or dodging overly obsessed fans. Only then would his fancy footwork show itself. But most of the time, he was just Ben Tennyson, the guy who hung out and watched in the sidelines while everyone else had fun. This year, however, he wasn't alone. The hospital had only grudgingly allowed Ben and Mikoto to attend the folk dance, mainly because both of them were so injured, the most dancing they could do would probably be what people would call the 'limp groove'. So when the dancing began, Ben and Mikoto just lay on the grass next to the bon fire and roasted some marshmellows, while everyone else picked a partner and danced the night away.

It wasn't all bad, Ben and Mikoto had a hilarious time watching Index bite Touma's head as ran screaming through the crowd of dancers. And the marshmellows tasted good anyways.

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