Diagon The Destroyer

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Vilgax sat in a dark secluded zone of his ship brooding. His plan was going perfectly, emphasis on 'was'. HeartBreaker had been captured and Impulser had failed to retrieve or silence her. That meant Ben Tennyson was on his trail. If that boy managed to find StoneHalf he would be able to find his way aboard Vilgax's ship. One weakness in working with those types of people was that their loyalty was extremely sparse. Impulser would only fight for anyone who could offer him the most blood to spill. StoneHalf only followed orders as a means to slake her boredom. HeartBreaker's motives remained a complete mystery.

The biggest issue was that a subordinate with Impulser's demeanor and power could betray Vilgax without even breaking a sweat. His ability to control vibrations was a frightening power indeed. Vilgax doubted that any of Tennyson's alien forms besides the Ultimate Galileian* could have stood against Impulser's kind of power. A skeletal looking white alien with a white fin on his head and black robes came in front of Vilgax's throne and bowed.

"You may speak Psyphon." said Vilgax to his right hand servant.

"My lord Vilgax." Psyphon said. "The Old One, demands an audience with you."

"You may connect me."

Psyphon got up from his bowing position and pressed a button on a black remote. A giant holographic screen lit up to revea a giant pair of red eyes that burned with the malice of the thousand dimensions they had enslaved.

"Old One," Said Vilgax. "What is it you wish of me Great Diagon?"

"Vilgax......" said the extra dimensional demon. "My servant.........I notice that your plans grow out out of hand.......I am wondering if this simple task is proving too much for you."

"No, Great One." said Vilgax bowing his head. "I am merely suffering a set back, but the plan will resume as scheduled. In a little less then 24 hours we will have complete control over Aleister Crowely's city. And you will be free to deal with that scumbag yourself."

"Good." said Diagon the Destroyer. "Whether we succeed in this plan or not, I will return to this dimension. But it is better that we succeed in this minor plot, it would save a lot of headaches to have Aleister out of the game, and perhaps we should also deal with Leivinia Birdway as well........"

"Master Diagon." said Vilgax. "About our agreement."

"Your request to have Tennyson's head at the foot of your throne, I sense that you will have that chance soon enough. As for the power you requested.........I will grant it when the time is required."

Diagon suddenly went silent for a while. "I sense...........a new player in the game.........one who will soon make his play.........one who could prove quite interesting in this power struggle."

"Who master?"

"He was created from one who was once known as Zs Skayr. His persona now goes by a different name."

"GhostFreak........."Vilgax murmered.

"You know of this interference?"

"We have met............" said Vilgax. "In different ways."

Diagon the Destroyer, the demon that had enslaved over a thousand dimensions. If he were to come to this pathetic dimension again it would mean a war of the Universal scale that none had ever seen before. Alien species that had never even crossed paths would fight each other, entire planetary systems would be obliterated. And Dagain would rule this universe in a never ending era of darkness.

None could match Diagon's power, none could defeat him in combat mental or otherwise. His word was final and his authority over lesser beings was that of a god. He was the greatest evil. He was the end of all things. He had gone by many names. The Destroyer, The Flame Bringer, Lord of the Worlds, Cthulhu, The Ultimatum, The Old One. Not even Ben Tennyson with all his will and strength would stand a chance against this Ultimate Enemy.

It had been for this reason that Vilgax had formed an alliance with this being of power. He was determined that Diagon return to this dimension so that he could gain power unrivaled by any. Vilgax conquerer of 10 worlds was the greatest of all conquerers in the galaxy. But he wanted more, he didn't just want to be conquerer of 10 worlds, he wanted to be conquerer of all universes, he wanted to become Diagon himself. If only Diangon could read Vilgax's mind from that faraway dimension he now floated in, He would probably sense Vilgax's treachery and destroy him for it. But before that happened Vilgax would have power beyond his wildest dreams. He would become Diagon, he would become the Ultimate Vilgax.

"Vilgax." said Diagon. "There is one issue that I will admit worries me slightly."

"What is it Master?"

"That boy........Ben Tennyson.......I sense that he will be a great danger to us. His tennacity knows no bounds. And despite his puny power I fear that he and his allies will find a way to stop this coming war. He may be a puny spec compared to my power, but he is a significant threat. And there is a greater threat still..............."

"And what might this threat be master?"

"It is that girl........the esper known as Railgun.......................I sense that she will be a great threat to our cause....................but for some reason, I cannot forsee any danger from her..................Vilgax, you must destroy them both, obliterate them and I shall grant you power beyond your wildest dreams."

"Yes Master."

The hollogram of Diagon's great eyes of hatred disappeared. Vilgax stood from his throne and walked over to Psyphon. "What news of our plans?"

"Lord Vilgax. Impulser has been pulled back as you requested, he waits on the ship in case Tennyson would seek to intrude. However it seems that StoneHalf has shut down on communications. We cannot contact her."

"Do not worry about it."

"My Lord?"

'I wish for them to come to me. if I am to personnaly destroy Tennyson and his friends then I wish to do here on my turf. He shall feel pain like nothing he has ever felt before...........And when he lies dead at my feet, I will mount his skull at the head of my throne. Now what of the other threat we discussed?"

"We have developed means to counter the one known as Accelerator." said Psyphon. "I believe doctor Psychobos as designed a means purely for Accelerator, should he join the fight.........things for him will become quite...........tiring."

"Good..............." said Vilgax. "Now I wish for you to call in Impulser. There is a certain matter that I wish to discuss with him."

Psyphon left the room. 3 minutes later, Impulser entered the room.

"Keh!" spat Impulser. "What do you want!? I'm already pissed that you pulled me back just when things were getting fun..........."

"I don't care how pissed you are Impulser, but do not worry, I have found a new job for you, It is a special assignment you might say."

"Does it involve blood?"


"Then lets hear it."

Vilgax's red eyes gleamed evily. "When Tennyson gets here..........I want you to break Misaka Mikoto......In front of him."

Impulser smiled widely. "That can be arranged."

*Gravattack is Ben 10's Galilean form. As seen from the previous chapters, Gravattack's species are great planetoid like aliens who have the ability to manipulate gravity. Galileans also have a reputation for being wise and patient, making them popular as diplomats between different races.

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