Touma get's Knighted

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Kamijou Touma snuck through the front lawn of the large castle. Man, he didn't even know that Academy City had a castle, but here it was in the warehouse district, like a the obvious zit in the middle of a clear face. Touma suspected that the Academy City board of directors probably knew that the secret organization known as the Forever Knights had made their headquarters in their city. Either that, or they had serious ignorance issues, because that was a very big castle in the middle of a sea of warehouses.

Out front were two gaurds dressed in full plate medievel armor with the infinity symbol on the middriff of their armor. In their hands they held what appeared to be metalic sword hilts without blades. The Forever Knights were an organization dedicated to the study and dealing in alien technollogy, usually in illegal ways. Any aliens they found along the way, were disected and studied. From what Touma had found out during his investigations that he had been doing since yesterday, Ben Tennyson had quite the history with this group who thanks to their alien racist thinking (Earth is for humans only), thought the Omnitrix was the very epiffany of blasphemy to the Forever Knight way.

Touma had been persuing a lead at the request of Ben. When Ben discovered that the Misaka clones were connected together by a radiowave network similar to the internet, he had developed a frightening theory on how the intergalactic warlord Vilgax could take over the interiior of the city without too much trouble from the outside world. If Vilgax were somehow able to take control of the Misaka network, he could use the Misakas to hack into all Academy City systems. Vilgax would be able to hold the city hostage, control security drones, render Antiskill and Judgement blind, and etc. The ony issue was that Vilgax would need a particular piece of alien equipment. A Gimlinopithecus* Wave Disrupter to be exact. Touma had gone through alot of headache to reach this moment, and he suspected Ben and Mikoto must have too, especially since he saw on the news about a strange mega battle that occured recently between Gravattack and a strange esper. But these Forever Knights would be tough to deal with. Touma's power ,Imagine Breaker, had the ability to negate any supernatural power with his right hand. However the kind of weapons the Forever Knights used were purely regular (if you counted alien as regular) machines. Touma's power would be useless to him here.

Touma snuck up behind a nearby crate, he was only 12 meters away from the drawbridge entrance. Wait, drawbridge!? Touma slapped a hand to his forehead.

"Man that's just my darn luck for you." whispered Touma. "I have no idea how I'm going to lower that drawbridge."

"Maybe I can help."

Touma nearly had a heart attack. He whirled around to find a large 60 yr old man in an red Aloha shirt. The man held out his hand.

"I'm Max Tennyson, Ben's grandfather."

Touma, still a little shocked, shook Max's hand. "Mr. Tennyson, not that it isn't nice to meet you but....what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help you of course, I heard Ben sent you on an investigation of Vilgax's motives, but I don't think he realized it might lead you to the Forever Knights. So here I am with backup."

Max gestured over to a figure wearing the generic Plumbers suit that was black and white with armor. The odd part about him though, was that his face was that of a gray skinned fish with powerful looking jaws and an angler fish like structure on his head, oh, and he also wore glasses strangely enough. "This is Magister* Patelliday, he's an old friend who worked with me before I retired.

"What's wrong there boy?" asked Patelliday. "Never seen a Piscciss Volann* before?"

", I don't think I have."

"Eh, typical human boy. Not too big of  an issue."

Max took something out from the strange looking weapons belt he had slung across his shoulder and handed Touma a strange looking gun. "That's a photon disrupter, I figured that ability Ben told me about wouldn't work on those Knights."

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