Pain of The Heart

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Humungousaur entered the main throne room. Gwen and Mikoto followed close behind. The room was extremely large and colored in black and red, in the middle of the room was a large generator looking machine. It was none other then the Wave Disrupter they had been looking for.

"This is too easy." said Mikoto. "Where the heck is Vilgax?"

Gwen's hand lit with purple energy and the dark room was illuminated. "I don't see anyone at all. Maybe Vilgax got too cocky and assumed we wouldn't make it here."

"No," said Humungousaur. "He hasn't acted that pridefull since the first time I beat him when I was 10, he won't make the same mistake twice."

Suddenly Impulser dropped from the ceiling to the floor. When he landed, a ginormous shockwave spread out and nearly knocked even Humungousaur off his feet. "You're quite right about that."

Impulser grinned psychotically. "Ol' Vilgy wouldn't make the same mistake twice. That's why he has me to bloody up everything for him!"

"Impulser!" Humungousaur growled. "Gwen be carefull! This guy is strong!"

Impulser thrusted out his hand and fired a red heat ray at the group. Gwen created a transparent purple energy shield and blocked it. However the shield began cracking as the blast grew stronger and stronger.

"Can'" Gwen said as she sweated and struggled against the powerful blow.

Impulser brought out his other hand and snapped his fingers. Instantly a miniature ultrasonic blast shot from his fingers and hit the energy shield. The shield was shattered and Gwen collapsed unconscious.

"Oh my," Impulser said shaking his head. "That won't do at all!"

Humungousaur roared and charged at Impulser. He threw an overhead punch at Impulser's head that would have smashed titanium into tin foil. But Impulser used his vibration powers to speed out of the way. Then he put a hand against Humungousaur's side and the dinosaur man roared in pain as Impulser's hand vibrated like a chainsaw through Humungousaur's armored skin. Impulser grinned and altered the vibrations slightly into kinetic force, causing Humungousaur to fly into the wall.

"Darn you!" Mikoto shot several lightning  spears at Impulser who dodged at incredible speeds

Impulser moved at XLR8 level speed and managed to get behind Mikoto before she could react. He then grabbed her and forced a metalic black collar to her neck which locked in place automatically.

"Eh?! What!?" Mikoto couldn't feel her esper powers. It was as if somebody had turned off her ability to make calculations.

Impulser grabbed Mikoto and held her arms behind her. "Behave little spark plug!"

Humungousaur got up furiously. "Mikoto!!"

Humungousaur pressed his Omnitrix crest and his skin turned dark green. his front torso became gray and armored and a giant spiked metal shell grew on his back. Two black horns grew out of the sides of his head. His body grew larger and more muscular. On the end of his tail was a giant spiked mace.

Ultimate Humungousaur roared and pointed his fists which instantly turned into 5 barreled missle launchers at Impulser.

"Nah uh uh." Said Impulser wagging a finger. "Don't want to blast dear Spark Plug here to smithereens do ya?"

Ultimate Humungousaur growled menacingly, but he morphed his missle launchers back into his normal fists.

"Now that's a good dinosaur." Said Impulser, his eyes gleaming insanely. "Now you and Ol' Vilgy can have a nice long chat."

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