Radio Noise

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"12 hours!!?"

Ben was on the phone with Kamijou Touma. He had just heard of Vilgax's plan to take over the Misaka netword with the wave disrupter he had recieved from the Forever Knights. StoneHalf had just revealed that Vilgax's location was actually 500 miles away from the atmosphere. And now with no means to get onto to Vilgax's ship, everything felt like it was going wrong.

"That's right." said Touma through the phone. We're in the Forever Knight's castle right now and Vilgax picked up the Wave Disrupter just 12 hours ago. It requires around 24 hours to start up, so we have an estimated time of about 12 hours to stop him from using it to take over the Misaka network, and when he succeeds...."

"He'll be able to take control of Academy City." Ben finished. So he had been right in his theory. This had been Vilgax's endgame the entire time. But why did he want to take control of Academy City so bad? Even in Academy City the most scientifically advanced city on earth, the technollogy and resources were nothing compared to what Vilgax had at his disposal. Ben hadn't thought about it before, but he didn't see what Vilgax stood to gain by taking over Academy City.  But right now wasn't the time to be considering motives. They needed a way to get into space and fast.

Ben hung up the phone and began pacing furiously in his living room. They didn't have time to commission a ship from the Plumbers. They could use Academy City's space elevator, but that would require having to fight Antiskill for unauthorized usage and Ben was not about to go Humungousaur on a bunch of police that were just doing their job.

"Darn it!! What are we going to do!?"

"Ben?" Mikoto came in to the room holding a book she had been reading. Gwen followed her in along with Accelerator. "What did Touma say?"

"Apparently we have only 12 hours to stop Vilgax before he takes over the network your sister's network."


Ben explained everything that Touma had told him.

"This is bad." said Accelerator said. "The Misaka network operates independently from all other systems, but they can tap into other systems in Academy City pretty easily. If Vilgax gains control of the Misaka Network.... "

"Then he'll have absolute control over Academy City." said Mikoto. "My sisters will grant him access to all of Antiskill's rescources,  all of the cameras, the security drones and mech suits. He could cause Academy City to hold siege to itself."

"We need to find a way onto his ship." Said Ben. "But how?"

"If I knew the exact coordinates I could use my powers to teleport us on." Said Gwen. "But right now that is just way too risky.

"There is one way........"Said Mikoto. "The Academy City airport has it's own space cruiser lot. The problem is that ever since some accident that happened with a space tour, the shuttles have  been shut down. Now it's really heavilly gaurded."

"How heavily?" Ben asked. "And is it Antiskill or security drones?"

"There are litterally hundreds of security drones." said Mikoto. "I dont know why they would so heavilly gaurd a stupid hanger that hasn't been used in ages, but they did."

"Works for me." said Ben. "I'll take robots over hitting real people any day."

"Keh!" spat Accelerator. "So we're really going to do this? You know we're probably get in a whole lot of trouble for this right?"

Ben gave Accelerator an odd look. "Who are you and what have you done with Accelerator?"

Accelerator grinned. "Just checking that you guys know, because if any of you idiots have second thoughts I'm leaving you in the dust. Got it?"

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