Ultimate Intervention

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"YOU LET ME GO RIGHT NOW YOU JERK!!" Rikuo Karin also known as Sky Scorcher was complaining at the top of her lungs as Ben Tennyson dragged her up the stairs to the hotel room that he, Kuroko, and Mikoto were staying in. She was wearing what looked like a cross between a yellow jumpsuit and a hazmat suit. The high tech Plumbers Suit was originally meant to protect against all sorts of dangerous elements even in space. But it also had the strange side affect of negating supernatural powers when worn, even those who could manipulate mana would merely cause their suits to inflate into giant bouncing fat suits. Fortunately, with espers, it seemed that it hindered the brain calculations needed to generate esper abilities. Ben had Karin handcuffed to him and was currently dealing with Sky Scorcher's punching and kicking. Since Sky Scorcher was just a 9 year old girl, he was able to deal with it, but it did get annoying after a while

"JUST BECAUSE YOU BEAT ME DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO DRAG ME ALONG WITH YOU!!!!" Sky Scorcher shouted as she attempted to kick Ben's shins.

"You expect to try and murder me and not to have to at least be interrogated about it ?!" Ben growled. "This isn't exactly my idea of a nice time either, what if people accuse me of child harassment?"

"I wasn't going to murder you!!! I was going easy!!!"

"You tried to obliterate me with giant towers of fire!!!! If I didn't go overboard I would have been dead!!!!"

Sky Scorcher gave Ben an angry pout. "How did you do that anyways? I knew you could turn into aliens but that was over the top!"

"Easy, I turned into something else."

"That wasn't it and you know it!! You altered that alien somehow, so how did you do it?"

"I'm not telling you anything till I figure out why you were trying to kill me!!!"

" I wasn't trying to kill you!!!"

Ben had reached the door to the room and opened it, and dragged himself into the living room as Sky Scorcher tried to bite his legs. Inside, Mikoto and Kuroko were sitting on couches waiting for him.

"Ben, we need to talk-" Mikoto noticed Sky Scorcher. " EHH??!!"

"I can explain." Ben said as he dodged a kick from Sky Scorcher aimed at his face.

"Could this........?" Kuroko said as she clapped her hands to her cheeks. "Is this a case of forbidden love!!!??

"What?! No!! She's an esper, she tried to kill me!!!"

Sky Scorcher looked even more furious this time. "I'm not just an esper you swine!! I told you I'm the first level 6 ever!! I could whoop your asses with my eyes closed!!!!"

Mikoto got over her initial shock and looked at the girl with one eyebrow raised. "Oh really? Looks like Ben whooped you pretty good."

"He cheated!! He used some sort of upgrade on his alien or something!!"

"I told you, I just turned into something else." Ben said looking away.

Mikoto looked at Ben with a strange look in her eyes. Was it pity?

"Ben....if that's true... Then what was that alien's name?" Mikoto asked.


"You heard me Ben."

Ben sighed, it was no use lying to his friends, it just wasn't him.

"Ultimate EchoEcho." Ben muttered.

Mikoto closed her eyes as if Ben had just confirmed something. She turned to look at Sky Scorcher. "So why did you try to kill Ben?"

"I told you!! I wasn't trying to kill him!! I just wanted to find a super strong opponent to cure my boredom that's all!!"

"Oh really?" Mikoto said looking at Sky Scorcher straight in the eye. "Because I don't think you're telling me everything."

Ben had once seen Mikoto volunteer at the Child Error orphanage, for some reason she had a strange talent for making kids admit things with minimal back talk. Ben suspected it had something to do with the sparks that flew out of her bangs when she looked at them.

Sky Scorcher tried to stare daggers at Mikoto before finally. "Yeah, yeah, fine. I was sent to test him by my school. Can I go now!?"


"In Academy City, it's called the Flame Keepers Academy."

"I heard about that place!" Kuroko said. "But they never had any esper higher then level 4. Plus, if a level 6 esper even existed-"

"Look here ya red haired know it all!!!" Sky Scorcher interrupted. "If you thought about it just a little, maybe you would realize that my school probably wouldn't want any competitors figuring out that they created the first level 6!! Especially after that failure with the Radio Noise project!!" Sky Scorcher looked at Mikoto. "Of course you would know all about it Miss Original Misaka."

"Original Misaka?" Ben felt confused. "What are you talking about?"

"That's not the point here." Mikoto said quickly as if to avoid something. "Why did they want you to test Ben?"

"Hell if I know!! They just told me to run right over, fight him, and drag him back to the lab. I don't ask about these things, I just like fighting!"

"Yeesh, for a little girl, you sure are violent." Kuroko muttered.

"DONT CALL ME A LITTLE GIRL!!!" Sky Scorcher screeched.

"Well that's enough for now." Ben said pressing a button on the Plumbers suit. The front window of the suit's helmet was immediately covered by a metal blinding shield, and the suit's audio was shut off.

"Thank goodness." Ben said, "I don't think I could stand any more of that."

"Ben, we need to talk." Mikoto said. Sitting back down on the couch.

"I'm guessing this doesn't got anything to do with what happened earlier."

"More like what's been going on behind our backs!" Kuroko said. "You don't sleep, you don't eat. You didn't think we would know why?"

"We know you've been practicing using your Ultimate forms Ben." Mikoto said. "Kuroko saw Ultimate Humungousaur wrecking stuff at the dump. Why couldn't you just tell us?"

Ben looked down dejectedly.

"You can't keep isolating yourself like this!!" Mikoto continued. "Vilgax wants you to be alone Ben, that's why he went after your family. You can't let him do that to you! Let us help!!"

"You don't want me going after Vilgax....just like Tsuchimikado said."

"That's not true and you know it." Mikoto said as sparks jumped from her bangs. "We don't want you going after Vilgax without us. And because you know that, you don't want to drag us into it!"

"Mikoto, you haven't met him he's- "

"Dead meat if he thinks he can take me as easily as he did your parents!!" Mikoto finished. "I'm not taking no for an answer and neither is Kuroko, and if you keep shutting us out and killing yourself I'll zap you into next week!! We'll take that monster together!! No excuses!!"

Ben paused for a moment. "What about our guards from when we get back?"

"I'm a level 5 esper, Kuroko is a top member of Judgement, and you are an arsenal of super powered aliens. I think we could ditch them pretty easily."

"And Tsuchimikado?"

"What's he going to do about it? Scold us to death?"

Ben grinned. What had he been thinking? He should had realized if there was one person that was impossible to keep out of the loop, it was Misaka Mikoto.

"Fine, it looks like I've lost this one." Ben said as he made to walk to away.



Mikoto and Kuroko both held out sandwiches.

"Starting now, you are going to eat something. And...."

Mikoto took a look at the silent sulking Sky Scorcher.

"We should probably do something about her."

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2 ( とある パワ の Omnitrix 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ