Goop, Goop, Everywhere

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Accelerator and Ben walked through the underground shopping district past the brightly lit stores searching for the tell tale signs of the goth girl known as StoneHalf. According to Gwen, StoneHalf was somewhere here in the shopping district. But due to the overcrowdedness of the area for the Daihaseisai, She was unable to get a specific reading. Apparently StoneHalf had been in this area for the past 5 hours and she didn't intend to move.

They walked past a store that had a bunch of Gekota backpack straps in the window. Ben almost considered getting one for Mikoto, but he felt that Accelerator would probably give him the evil eye and consider it a waste of time, so Ben ignored the store and kept walking. Ben activated the communication function on the Omnitrix and spoke into it.

"Hey Gwen, did you get any specific reading yet?"

Gwen's voice came back staticky. " No, but you're near the general area. She isn't moving, so just try to look for someone that's stationary."

"This area is full of cafes." said Accelerator. "Look for someone sitting down, StoneHalf was never the type who liked to stand in one area for long. She's a lazy bum."

"Alright." Said Ben. "Let's split up and look around the Cafes, If we find her don't do anything rash, we have to capture her without hurting anyone here."

Accelerator nodded and walked off in another direction. Ben went to look at some of the cafes on the left of the store. That was when he felt someone watching him. Ben turned around and moaned. The little girl Sky Scorcher was walking towards him with the look of utmost fury on her face. Ben began to move off as fast as he could from the area. If Sky Scorcher started a fight here, knowing her style, a lot of innocent bystanders could get reduced to cinders. So either Ben had to get away quick, or go alien and skillfully restrain her. But his alien powers were way too noticeable, if he went alien here then there was a chance that StoneHalf would notice.

Ben noticed a bathroom nearby and grinned. Maybe he wouldn't get StoneHalf's attention after all. Ben walked quickly to the bathroom area. If he knew Sky Scorcher's style, she would be so concentrated on the fight ahead she wouldn't care about going into a guys bathroom. Ben quickly entered the bathroom and went into a stall, he activated the Omnitrix and in a flash of green light his body became a green humanoid pile of semi transparent goo. A disk shaped anti gravity device hovered above Goop's head as a means of allowing Goop to move in Earth gravity. Goop morphed into a puddle and peaked under the stalls as his anti gravity disk hovered above, waiting for Sky Scorcher to appear.

Sure enough, Sky Scorcher walked into the bathroom. "I know you're here Tennyson! I can smell your fear........which for some reason smells a lot like lime jello (green colored Polymorphs like Goop are lime flavored, while the blue and red colored ones are flavored like razzberry. Yes the creators of Ben 10 really do have quite the sense of humor.)

Suddenly Goop turned into a psuedopod, flew out from under the bathroom stall, and engulfed Sky Scorcher. Sky Scorcher struggled as the 200 pound gelatinous blob engulfed her and held tight like a giant living muscle. If Ben's theory was correct, pyrokinesist espers used their fire power was kind of like how HeatBlast or SwampFire used his. Neither could project fire without some sort of gas to consume, like gas or Methane. Goop had an airtight body to prevent unhealthy airbubbles from forming on his viscous surface, so if he engulfed someone like Sky Scorcher, level 6 or not, they wouldn't be able to give of a candle flame. 

Goop wrapped around Sky Scorcher's body and allowed her face to remain partialy outside so she could breathe.

"LET ME GO YOU JERK-gurggle gurgle!!" Goop put  layer of goo over Sky Scorcher's mouth. His antigravity disk floated down near Sky Scorcher and projected Goop's voice.

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