Chapter Fifty Two-Take Your Time

Começar do início

I bit my lip. "I..."

"Please can you just watch 'em? Three nights at the latest. They know you, they trust you-I need to be with Arizona, and I need to know my other kids are in good hands. Just put a TV on and they'll be fine."

"Fine. I'll watch 'em. I'm not at my house right now, so give me ten minutes. Drop them over in about half and hour."

"Thanks mate. I owe you big time."

"Yeah you do..."

I swallowed the lump in my throat before listening as the line went dead.

"You have to go don't you...?" Megan asked, still smiling warmly.

"Yeah. I have to babysit three of Niall's kids. I'm screwed." I replied sliding my phone in my pocket.

"I can help if you want. Kid's adore me."

"You-You'd be willing to do that?"


"It's three kids. Two five year olds and a nine year old."

Megan nodded. "Yeah. I'd love to help you out. If you want me to that is..."

"I'd love you to. Um... Erm... Yeah so, thanks."

"No problem. Lets go."


"...Thanks mate." Niall said, worry was painted all over his face as he stood in the doorway locking and unlocking his phone.

"No problem." I replied.

"Don't kill them. Bella and Uriah have to go to bed at eight, Jace can't stay up past ten but he's just a bit out of things now. Uriah's going to tell you he can't eat anything that isn't junk food, and he's lying. Jace will probably tell you he's allowed to watch paranormal activity and he isn't, don't out anything rated over PG on for him. Bella can't sleep without a glass of water near her, and all of them just generally are a bit quiet so you should be fine. Just don't kill them."

"Wouldn't do that."

"I've gotta go-if any thing happens call me."

"Will do."

I closed the front door as Niall walked away. Jace was standing behind me nervously biting his lip and looking at his feet.

"You okay?" I asked making him look up.

"I guess..." He muttered. "As good as any of in this situation could be..."

"Where's Bella and Uriah?"

"With your girlfriend."

"You don't wanna be here do you?"

"Nope." Jace snapped bluntly. "'Cause dad making us stay with other people means that Ari's gonna die."

My eyes widened. "Whoa what?"

"You don't have to lie to me about it." Jace shrugged. "I get it. Arizona's gonna die. She's got cancer it's pretty obvious."

"People survive cancer everyday."

"Arizona's not one of them. I can tell. The way mum and dad have been acting. They know its going to happen. And when it does they'll break up. We'll stay with mum one week, then dad the next."

"Jace, Arizona's not dying-"

"How can you say that?" He snapped. "She is. We all know it. I'm nine I can handle it. She's going to die."

"Bullshit. Your sister isn't going to die. She's sick that's all. And your parents are doing everything they can to get her better." I replied.

"Sometimes everything's never enough." Jace hissed. "Arizona's gonna die, mum and dad will break up. And then we'll all be miserable."

Lost In Stereo {Sequel To LINLYAA}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora