Chapter 18- free again!

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"moll... I've got something to tell you" he says, urgency and a hint of excitement in his voice. I nod and gesture for him to continue. "well, I might have found out something about you. Well, us" he tells me, his eyes full of happiness. I am actually quite suspicious as to why Adam is this happy.

"what is it?" I ask him. If this is another one of those things about him fancying me or Niall or Harry or something then I'm not listening. I don't Want another love crisis.

"well,  heard grandma and your mum talking and they said you had a twin who was lost at birth" he tells me and a confused look spreads across my face. I try to go through the possibilities. Who could my twin be? Is Adam actually telling the truth or is it just another one of his lies? He said it was about us... What does he mean by that?

"what do you mean?" I ask him, curious to know the answer. He holds both my shoulder and screws his eyes closed before opening them, revealing eyes as yellow as cats eyes. I smile at him. I still don't know what he's so happy about.

"I mean that I'm your twin, Molly"


As soon as Adam tells me, I rush to my mum, asking her if it's the truth or not. She says that it's all true and I cant quite believe my ears. I've always wanted a twin and now I've got one... Adam!


The next day I experience a break up between Finn and Ciara. I come downstairs to find them fighting about something... I don't even know what it is and, when I try to ask, Ciara bursts into tears.

"you want to kiss me Finn and I don't want to!" Ciara screams at Finn, who is glaring at her with hatred in his eyes. I thought things were all so tranquil as well.

"why can't you just have fun for once I mean, come on, you're in  high school! At least do something! All I want is a kiss!" he booms, taking advantage of his deepened voice. This is happening in the hallway and I am just stood outside, listening to every word they say.

"I'm in year seven, Finn. I know I've known you all my life but I just don't feel like I can kiss you yet!" she sighs, rubbing her red, bloodshot eyes. I can see her frustration behind her tears as she catches my eye.

"well... If you're not going to do it for me... Then were done!" he slams the little leather bracelet thing down on the ground, making Ciara cry even more. He storms off into the kitchen... Leaving me alone with Her.

"Ciara! What happened?!" I ask, hurrying over to help my friend. I grab a tissue from my pocket and wipe her eyes with it. She blows her nose.

"it's Finn! He wants to kiss me..." she trails off and sniffles. "But... Well, I just don't want to and he won't listen!" she cries, falling into my arms and giving me a tight hug. "at least I have one friend who listens... Cathy never does" my body tenses from the word 'cathy' and a surge of anger rushes through me.

"it's okay, Ciara, I'm here for you" I ell her and she nods, staying in my arms, her blonde hair sprawled over my shoulder. Finn can be such a jerk sometimes!


Finn doesn't return for the rest of the day. Maddie says he's locked himself in his room and is not coming out until he apologises to his now ex-girlfriend. Nobody apart from me apparently knows what has happened and loads of people keep asking Ciara why she is so upset and what happened with her boyfriend, Finn. Normally, Finn is meant to be happy and nice. However, I have only seen the bad side of Finn today...


I wake up in the middle of the night and it is pitch black in my room. I can hear a whimpering sound coming from somewhere in my room, but I can only hear it, because I cannot see. I turn on my bedside light, revealing a curled up body in my armchair. It has a mop of reddy-brown hair on his head and green eyes full of tears.

"Finn?" I ask the body and he looks up at me as I stand above him. His face is clammy and damp as I run my fingers against his rough cheek. He can't talk because his voice is too raspy from crying and when he tries to, he just bursts into tears again. "is this because of what you did to Ciara?" I ask him bending over to talk to him. This is strange because he's normally so much taller than me but he is so small, curled up in this old armchair.

"no... Well yes" he sobs and I give him a hug. His big hands cling to my clothes and when I try to break away, he wont let me. He holds me closer and wraps his hands around my back, bringing me down onto him, meaning I am now sitting next to him on the chair, my face inches from his. He loosens his grip, letting me slump down next to him, a little squashed because of our two bodies on one small armchair.

"why did you come to me... Of all people? Why not Harry or Freddie... Or someone else?" I ask him sympathetically and he sniffles before explaining.

"well, I know this sounds weird but you're the only person who actually understands me. To be honest, I only went out with Ciara because she was a family friend and she was pretty... Really pretty. I thought I loved her, but obviously not in the way I though. I wanted to kiss her, so it'd actually feel like we were going out... I guess I realised when she wouldn't do it- I realised that I didn't love her... Not like that" he sighs, looking away from me and off into the distance, into the darkness. He closes his eyes, letting the tears ooze down his face and dropping onto his clothes, which, I've noticed, are the same ones he was wearing today.

"oh..." I say quietly, looking at his distant face that is so still.

"will you please let me stay?" Finn asks me. Ive let more boys stay in my room in these past two weeks than I have in my entire life. It seems people like me a lot here, maybe too much? Anyhow, I can't say no to the innocent boy lying in front of me.

"of course you can, Finn" I tell him and he tries to smiles through his tears. "where are you going to sleep?"

"I'll sleep on here" he sniffles, grabbing a blanket from one of the many draws that I have no idea what's in.

"okay" I agree and he nods, laying down on the chair again. I clamber back into bed, feeling Finn's watchful green eyes on me as I fall asleep. When I turn around to turn the light off, his eyes are closed and his mouth wide open. His arm is draped against the side of the chair. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, like a sleeping giant. Obviously, he isn't a giant, although he is pretty tall. As soon as I think this, I am asleep...


The next few days go by quite quickly and, as soon as I know it, it's time to leave. I am very upset to say goodbye to everyone, although I don't have to say bye to everyone. Adam is coming with us, as he's now my twin and I know I'll see Finn and Freddie again because Finn is moving back in with Harry, as he has broken up with Ciara. Plus, freddie sometimes stays with them, although I haven't really talked to him a lot. everyone else, I'll see next Christmas, though.

"bye bye, molla" Logan screeches, coming and trying t eat my leg, which is a bit weird. I now have teeth marks on a bit of my leg. Harry says that his way if saying goodbye. I, however, am not so convinced. alby, However, comes over, crying his eyes out. He is distraught a the fact that I have to leave.

"molla no go!" he cries, shaking his had in disbelief. "molla is my bestie!" he sobs, urging at my hand to stop me from leaving.

"bye, mol" Ciara sighs, giving me a hug. "thank you" she smiles, looking at me with sad eyes, trying so hard to be happy. I can't help but start crying.

"I'll see you next year, right?" I tell her and she nods, wiping her eyes. Cathy is stood behind her but I don't bother giving her a hug, as shes probably too selfish to give me one anyway.

"bye, everyone!" I shout at my cousins and they all wave as I get into the car in the back seat with adam. I'm going to miss them all so much... My tears are actually staining my clothes! Alby is waving with his tiny, little hand and whimpering at the same time. Jay has his hands in his pocket, but still manages to whip one out to say goodbye. Maddie is weeping a little bi as her eyes look teary, and she dabs them with her hankie. It's funny how you get so attached to people, and it's only been two weeks as well. As we pull out of the drive and down the street, I realise how much I love them all. I look back to give a wave, but it's already too late...

Impossible love- a harry styles fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu