
He walked up to me and asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you have already left."

"Do I... know you?"

"Oh! So it's true."

This was so not making sense.

"What's true?"

"That you can't remember." He nodded to himself. "Well, I guess I've to reintroduce myself to you again. At least it's not from behind the door and with much less noise than last time." He laughed as if it was some joke I was familiar with.

I went along with his laugh chuckling half-heartedly.

He extended his hand for a handshake. "I'm FBI Agent North."

Really? An FBI Agent. Him?

I gave him a once over from head to toe and back again. "Aren't you a little...?"

"...young?" This time he gave a cute chuckle showing a hint of his white pearly teeth. It was easier to imagine him as a college student or better yet a young model. Because damn he looked good.

"I get that a lot. But. Yes, I'm an FBI agent. And also I was the one among the team that handled your case. We have met before. Twice. Well, the first time we just spoke through a door."

"Through a door?" Here again, a surprising piece of my past I can't remember.

"I guess you don't remember that either." He looked at me with concern and that little soft smile. I can't say I wasn't feeling a little giddy inside. I never really gained much attention from guys and definitely not from this good looking ones. So you can imagine how I was feeling having graced by a model looking FBI agent.

"I don't remember much of anything that happened the last days." Trying not get more dazzled and distracted from what I was aiming at I shook my head lightly.

"Um... you're an agent, you say? How high up is your command?"


Pointing back towards the big oaf behind me, I asked, "Above him?"

"Yeah. Why?" That got me smiling.

"Can you give me a favor?"

At last, I could see Ian. Entering his room the first thing I noticed was same identical equipment attached to Ian's body via wires and tubes. There might be a few extras.

On the bed, lying still was Ian with a white sheet covering him up till his neck. I slowly walked up to his bed. He was so pale. There were few fading scars on his face and hands. Seeing him like that my chest unexpectedly felt heavy. A lump was forming in my throat. Of course, he has been my neighbor for a long time. No matter how many times we fought feeling like this was quite normal. Wasn't it?

There again a nagging presence at the back of my mind was pressing me hard. Telling me that I should remember something. Something really important. But what was it? I felt helpless being not able to remember. Not feeling comfortable with it anymore I got out of the room soon giving a back glance to Ian before crossing the threshold of the door.

Bidding goodbye to Agent North and the Stiff-face I came down to the reception area where I found my parents clearing some paper works for my discharge. It was almost done by the time I reached there. After half an hour we left for Nashville. Mom had insisted or more like stated out that she will be staying with me for few days in my apartment. Dad was to drive us there and have us settle down.

It felt good to be with them again. Just three of us. Like old times. A warm feeling gathered in my chest but there was a small but consistent heaviness too which I couldn't shake off. Feeling tired as I was still not back to myself I leaned back on the headrest of the back seat. Slowly sleep came over me.

In the last few seconds to complete sleep state flashes of scenes rushed past my mind. Scenes of Ian holding me. Of him saying something. Of him smiling at me. Of his face close to mine. Really close.


Really close... are we to the end too. 

One more chapter and an epilog. 

Really sorry for the late update. I can't help but be late. Been busy for past days and I guess I will be busy again. 

Anyways... keep showing your support. 

Vote and comment :)

Bye, sweeties.


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