*at the nurses office*

N: "oh my dear Kelsey are you alright what did Ashton do to you?"

K: "I'm okay Nancy just the usual beating"I smiled weakly

J: "are you sure?"

K: "yeah I just need ice and some water"

N: "here"she handed me and ice pack

J: "I'll go get you some water"he left the room

N: "2 more days"

K: "2 more days"I repeated after her

Then Jake came back with the bottle of water and handed it to me.

K: "thanks Jakey"

He smiled and sat down.

Today was gonna be a long day.

*after school*

The rest of the day wasn't the worst but it was still bad Ashton only slapped me and pulled my hair.

I walked home and opened the door.

My dad was drunk again.

D: "Kelsey some here!"he slurred

I quietly walked over to him.

D: "lay down"I did as told and layed on the couch

He then started taking off his shirt.

K: "dad! No!"

D: "awww why not!"he whined

K: "your drunk and I don't want to have sex with you"

D: "fine"he growled and started punching my and kicking me

K: "please...stop"I chocked

He finally stopped and I struggled getting upstairs to take a shower.

I striped out of my cloths and hopped in. I slide to the tub floor sobbing.

I picked up my razor and started making slits on my wrist.


'Fake blonde'

'Know it all'






'Never good enough'

'Piece of shit'I thought to myself.

The thoughts ran through my mind as tears started pouring down my face. I couldn't get rid of the thoughts because they are true, I am worthless, my dad beats me, the whole school thinks I'm fat and ugly which is very true I mean look at me and how chubby I am! I even have my very own bully to top it all off.

I lets out a long sigh and cleaned the blood off my arms wincing at the sudden sting as wet droplets hit my flesh.

After I took a shower I put on my pyjamas and started my homework.

By the time I finished I decided to clean my room.

Once I finished putting things away I found a note from my mum.

Dear Kelsey,

I have wrote his when your father started become alcoholic and abusive. I just wanted you to know that I love you so much and that when you finish the school year on June 24 I want you to go back to England and move in with your Aunt Maddie because I know you love her as well. She will treat you with much love and don't worry she knows what's happening. The money for the plane tickets and other essentials are at the bottom of your sock drawer. Take care and this summer the X factor are having auditions your Aunt will give you more info when you see her. I love you Kels!<3

P.S you can bring Jake with you for a bit but not forever!



I rummaged through my sock drawer and found the money it was 2 tickets to Manchester and $100000.

I kept the money and everything there and decided I will leave and that I will ask Jake right now. Good thing my dad wasn't home.

So I rang him up.

*during phone call*

J: "hey Kels!"

K: "hey Jakey I was wondering if you'd like to take a vacation with me after the last day of school?"

J: "I'll ask my mum hold on"

J: "she said yeah but only for a month or 2"

K: "great because I found a note from my mum saying that I should run away from dad and live with Aunt Maddie she even bought us the tickets back to Manchester! She also left $100000!"

J: "perfect! When do we leave?"

K: "be at mine on Friday at 1:30pm that's when my dad leaves for work your parents can come"

J: "alright better start packing!"

K: "okay bye!"

*end of phone call*

I checked the time it was 5:45pm I have enough time to start packing.

I packed some my mums things I took one of her necklaces just to remember her by. I also packed some of my shoes, pyjamas and my documents birth certificate and other important things.

I decided to pack my cloths on Thursday so my dad doesn't notice.

I can't wait to go home...



So here's the first chapter!

Shoutout to juliemouse because she commented a very sweet comment recently!


Thanks for reading!!xox

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