Chapter 1.6

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Chapter 1.6: I've Become a Spectacle

I wasn't quite sure exactly when I woke up or where I was when I had done so.  Faint glimpses of nurses, Aimee, Lady Annabelle, and Prince Elliot floating across my eyes fleeing before I could even register them.  They must've have been visiting me while I stayed in this actually somewhat large hospital room that smelled of lavender over the disinfectant.  Perhaps I breifly opened my eyes and saw them, but I wasn't entirely sure if I made it up or not.

When my eyes did open and I was coherent, the digital clock on my pale purple bed side table read 8:30 a.m.  Last time I had known the time it was around six in the evening, so I'd either slept for twelve hours or over twenty four hours.  That wasn't exactly a comforting thought since I feel disgusting and in need of a shower.

"Oh thank the heaven's Lord that you are awake my Lady," a woman dressed in a nurse's uniform stated hurrying over to me.  "Tell me are you in any pain or discomfort whatsoever?"

I licked my chapped lips.  "May I have some water please?"

"Oh of course let me fetch that for you right away!" she exclaimed going over the the refrigerator in the corner of the room to grab a water bottle that was covered in fancy designs.  It must be the fancy water with medicines for healing in it.

"Thank you," I said after taking a huge gulp that was rather unlady like out of it, "How long have I been out exactly?"

"Oh a little over two days my Lady, but don't worry because we have been taking excellent care of you.  The Prince's orders," she says curtseying on the side of the bed before standing up straight again.  "It has been my absolute pleasure taking care of you Lady Ellody."

"What's your name?" I ask her sitting up a bit in my bed.

"Rose my Lady."

"Well thank you Rose for doing such a fine job of taking care of me," I tell her genuinely taking her hand in my since I couldn't exactly move in for a hug at the moment because I was extremly sore.

"Why thank you my Lady.  I must go and grab the doctor for you so that he may make sure you are fit enough to leave and go back to your room," Rose says curtseying once more before leaving the room.

It was quiet for a few minutes as I waited for the doctor to come in and evaluate me.  That fact that I've been sleeping for two days finally sunk in, and I let out a sound of surprise.  How could I have been out for two days?  The only thing Lady Ali - well Ali now - did was slap, punch, and claw at my arms.  Right?

"Good evenung Lady Ellody I am Doctor Finch, and I'm very glad to say you have been under my watchful eyes during your stay in this hospital wing.  Tell me now are you feeling any pain?" the doctor asked gliding into the room with his coat flickering behind him.  He walked with purpose that could only be described as a vampire's.

"Not that I can feel.  I'm only incredibly sore, but I don't exactly understand why though," I confess saying what has been bothering me since I woke up.

"Well that is great news.  On the other hand though, you came in with a severe concussion that left you unconscious and incoherent.  Luckily for you though I was able to get to your aid quickly and successfully diagnose and treat you efficiently," he explains rather excitedly like it was an extraordinary thing to do helping someone.

"And I thank you for that Doctor Finch.  I'm  incredibly greatful for all that you've done for me," I tell him with a nod of my head and a smile on my face.

"Of course Milady.  I have sent Rose to fetch your maid and bring her here to help you get pampered and ready for your appearence," he says walking out the room and then Aimee coming in carrying a dress bag slung over her shoulder and her make up container in her other hand.

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