Chapter 1.28

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Chapter 1.28 – Evelyn's Story

It's been hours, and I no longer hear the sounds of fighting above us. I'm sure that the fighting is still going on, and I just can't hear it with my human ears because we would've been found otherwise. Or at least I hope that would be the case. I had Aimee switch out with me for keeping an eye on things three hours into us being here. I'm not sure how long I slept; I just know that it couldn't have been long. Not that it mattered because it was a fitful sleep. I don't get how anyone can sleep at a time like this.

Prince Lucas seems to be doing better. I changed his gauze and cleaned his wounds while he slept, but he isn't healing as fast as I though he would. I don't know if it's because he's younger, or if it's because of his injuries. It does worry me. He's gained color back into his face, but he's colder than usual. I don't know what will happen to him if we aren't found soon.

"Do you want some canned peaches Milady?" Aimee asks, passing a can of them towards me. I make a face looking down at them. "I know you don't like them, but it's all that seems to be kept here. It'll help keep your strength up."

"I'll eat them." I take the can from her and pull one out of the can. "How much longer do you think it'll be until guards start checking all the safe rooms?"

"I'm honestly not sure. I've been praying to the Savior for a quick retrieval, but it's been so long." She looks up at me. "You don't think they forgot about us, do you?"

"That's not possible," I firmly say, shoving a handful of peaches into my mouth. "We have Prince Lucas with us, and they wouldn't evacuate without him."

"You know that's not what I meant," she whispers, looking down. I watch as her fingers play with the end of her nightgown. Reaching over, I grab her hand.

"I know Aimee. In our Sector, they wouldn't double check to see if they had everyone before leaving, but this isn't our Sector. Things are different here, and they wouldn't just leave us here. For once, we're actually seen as people and not objects here. It's a nice change."

"It's just hard to get out of that mindset." I nod my head in agreement with her.

A shuffling behind us catches our attention, and we snap our heads back. Prince Lucas is moving around on his cot and moaning in pain. I go over to him and gently shake him awake. His eyes open wide and panicked until he takes in my face. He grabs onto my hand and pulls it close and smells it. His eyes close, and when they open, they are a deep red.

"What's wrong?"

"I need some blood," he whispers out. "I'm thirsty, and I can't heal properly without blood."

"You can have some of my blood," I tell him, but he shakes his head.

"I can't. I'm not allowed to take blood from you unless my brother says so."

"But why? You need it."

"Because you're here for him. It's always been part of the rules to stop vampires from feeding on potential family members."

"Can I give you my blood then?" Aimee asks, scooting closer. He shakes his head again, but Aimee reaches out for him. "Look, I know that you may not want to, but I'm willing to give you my blood so that you can heal properly. Lady Ellody and I don't want you to suffer or get sick because you don't want to take my blood. We don't know how much longer we'll be in here, so you need to take it."

"I'm just scared."

"Why are you scared?"

"Because I don't know if I'll be able to control myself."

"It's going to be okay. Aimee and I can push you away if you can't stop yourself," I tell him.

"Okay. Are you sure Aimee?"

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