Chapter 1.1

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Chapter 1.1: Ellody's Trip

I ran down the endless hallway in the government building with my bare feet pittar-pattering and echoing off the walls. Amiee was going to be livid when she finds me running late on what she says to be my most important day in my life: my arrival at the palace.

Every few years or so, the royal vampires host a gathering of girls to come into their home so that their son can find a mate. They do the same for the girls a few months later if they have come of age. Every eligible person in the continent they live in is to attend, making me unfortunately one of those girls. We get dressed up in big beautiful ball gowns with our hair done but absolutely no make up so that we may be seen with our natural faces, and we stay for a year while the vampire finds his mate. Of course our families get a sort of compensation for us being away, but people only care if their child is picked.

My family moved here two years ago after I was involved in a rather unfortunate accident that rendered me scarred for life, or possible eternity. Everyone thought it would do good for me and be a fresh start for our whole family, but nothing has changed or helped me forget. The scars remind it of me everyday, and they will never go away. Because of this move though, I thought for sure I wouldn't be eligible for the process of becoming a citizen in the continent takes a long time. Luckily for me as my mom says, it went through leaving me perfectly able to attend.

I thought this whole thing was pointless because we are two different species. Also why couldn't they just smell for their mate and find them instead of doing a grand and public thing that leaves hopeful girls heart broken if they aren't chosen. And plus why do ALL girls have to attend? Why can't just the ones who want to go?

"Lady Ellody, you're late," Amiee said dragging me into a room marked with my name by my arm. "We have to get you ready as you are still in your waiting gown. Most girls are halfway done." All I do is shake my head wondering why they stuck all the girls in the government building to get ready before taken in limos to the palace.

"I'm terribly sorry about that. Just wanted to get some fresh air before being shoved into a dress I will hardly be able to breathe in," I respond rolling my eyes so done with the whole thing.

"But my Lady it is an honor! You are very lucky to be eligible! If I were you, I'd be overwhelmed with happiness!" Amiee cried out scolding me as she unzipped the black covering holding my dress. Amiee is one of the many girls who aren't eligible and assigned as maids to those who are. They also come with us to the palace and stay with us if we are the chosen mate. If not, they then go back to their old jobs. The only way to not be eligible is if someone in your family has done a crime, you are not of age (too young or too old), or you are well not straight. Amiee's father robbed a gas station and killed two cashiers.

"I just think this whole process is a bit over the top is all," I tell her trying not to upset her as she talked about how badly she wanted to be apart of this.

"Oh not at all! You mustn't say that! This whole process is grand and glorious!" she tells me trying to get me into my dress which proves to be a difficult task. All participants must have their eyes closed as they are prepared as to not try and change anything in hast.

"But that's my point! It's so overexaggerated that it's a bit too much. And why do all of us have to go?" I whined throwing me arms at my side making Amiee slap my arm.

"Well how would you feel if your mate wasn't there only because she simply didn't want to go?" she asked making a tisking sound as she zipped me up in my dress and bringing me to sit in a swivel chair. "I don't understand why you are behaving like this."

"I just don't want to get disappointed I guess. Why get all dressed up and given luxurious clothing and such all to have it taken away if you aren't chosen?" I asked shaking my head as she tried to curl my hair.

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