Chapter 1.27

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Chapter 1.27 – Castle Break in

I rolled around on my bed trying to stay asleep. It must have started storming after Prince Elliot brought me inside because the thunder was so loud. I let out a sigh and grab one of my pillows to put on my head to try and block out the sound. It doesn't work, and I scowl under the pillow. This was ridiculous. I just wanted to have a good night's sleep for once.

My door flies open and slams shut. I sit up in my bed, startled, and see a Palace Guard standing in front of me with blood smeared across his uniform. "I need to escort you and Aimee to a safe room. We're under attack," he says, coming over and pulling me out of my bed. I call for Aimee, and she comes out of her room, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. The guard takes hold of her hand as well and leads us out the room. "Stay close to me and quiet. We have to move quickly before the attackers reach this floor."

There's utter chaos on the floor. Guards are running around with weapons drawn, and Ladies and maids are being ushered out of their rooms. We seem to split off into two groups as half of us are ushered the opposite way down the hallway. Anxiety creeps up my throat, and my grip on Aimee's hand falters as sweat begins to build there. I try to slow my breathing to hopefully calm down, but I know that my anxiety won't truly go away until this is all over. My only hope is that everyone would be okay. I don't want to be around more death.

A small group of guards round the corner, and one of them stops in front of our group. "After escorting them to the safe room, we are to search for Prince Lucas. He is still unaccounted for, and the camera system has been disabled. The lower floors have already been searched to no avail." He runs off to join the search party after relaying the message.

I feel my heart sink. Prince Lucas is missing, and the castle is under attack. He can't get hurt.

"Lady Ellody, we must keep moving," Aimee whispers in my ear trying to pull me along. My feet stay planted.

"Have they checked the art gallery on this floor?" I blurt out running up to one of the guards. "I tend to find him there whenever I go there to clear my head."

"I don't know. We don't have time to check," he says trying to get me to move with the group. I look at the guard's hardened face and make a decision.

I bite his hand to get him to let me go and run off in the direction of the art gallery. My gut tells me that he has to be in that room.

"Lady Ellody!" Aimee cries out, hot on my heels. "This is madness." I keep running. I had to get there and check for him. I'm not going into a safe room without him.

"I must urge you to return to the group. It is not safe to run off!" the guard shouts, chasing after us.

"I won't be able to live with myself if I don't check for him." I round the corner and stop in my tracks. Somebody just came crashing through the window. Or a something. It looked human, but there was something savage and feral about it. Those inky black veins covered the entire body. Is this what could've happened to my sister and that man if they hadn't died?

"If you're so adamant about searching for the Prince, I will distract the intruder so you can get past," the guard says, unsheathing his sword and springing into action.

I grab Aimee's hand and take off running again, jumping over the shattered glass and other debris that littered the ground. The sounds of fighting continue to reach our ears even after we reach our destination. I open the door cautiously, praying to the Savior that Prince Lucas was behind the door and nobody else. My fighting skills are rusty, and I doubt they would help me up against these. . . things. I don't even want to think about what they are and what happened to them. It wasn't natural whatever it was.

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