Chapter 1.17

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Chapter 1.17 – Ellody's Sister Evelyn

"Now for today's breaking news, we have more information on the attack of village Emberharbor, the trade village located just outside of the castle grounds," the reporter on the television says. Aimee and I were eating breakfast in my room given that everything and everyone else was occupied with dealing with the aftermath. Everything was a blur of activity yesterday, and none of us really know what truly happened. It was Aimee's suggestion to watch the news and see if it gave us anything else.

"I'm going to turn it up, so we don't miss anything," Aimee says, waving her hand in front of the screen to turn it up.

"It is believed the attack was organized by a small rebel group with no name to garner the attention of the crown. Upon their arrest, they said that the day was chosen as Princess Laken's death anniversary because it was sure to garner the attention of the royal family. Their hope was to then sit down with the King and Queen to discuss their demands. None of this happened because as soon as they were identified, they were arrested and taken to the dungeon to await their trials.

"As of now, it is not known how much damage was truly done as debris is still being cleared away. The ports along the harbor have to be reconstructed meaning imports and exports out of Emberharbor will be put on hold leaving only Roseshore ports open for the time being. While this will be going on, damaged homes will be repaired and reconstructed as needed along with other buildings in the village. The royal family is currently doing all they can to help. They have opened up their own personal infirmary for those that are injured. Palace guards as well as the Ladies vying for Prince Elliot's heart have been spotted helping to clean up the wreckage and handing out meals to the villagers.

"We also have reached the saddest part of this report. Luckily, those that have received injuries are in good health and are reported to have been minor. Unfortunately, there are those who have passed away. Although we don't have a confirmed number –"I turned off the television with a flick of my wrist.

"Why did you shut it off?" Aimee whined out.

"I don't want to hear about any deaths," I say flatly. I bring my plate over to the coffee table, leaving it there.

"You're not going to finish your food?"

"I'm suddenly not that hungry anymore," I whisper, grabbing my notebook and pen from my nightstand.

"Where are you going Lady Ellody?" She rushes to put down her food and get up to follow me.

"I'm going to Queen Mae's library. I need some time alone to think. Yesterday was a lot to process and reminded me too much of Evelyn. It would be greatly appreciated if you didn't come with me."

"Are you sure? How am I supposed to know when you'll come back?"

"If I'm not back in time for lunch, you can come fetch me," I let her know. I leave my room, shutting the door behind me, and I go to the stairwell down to the second floor.

Nobody was out and about, except for some guards, as I made my way down the hallway. I knew where the library was, just not where. Like I know roughly the area of it, but because the door blends in with the wall, I don't know exactly where the door is. I let my free hand run along the hall, trying to feel for any indication that the door was there. Nothing caught my eye, so I went down the hallway again running my hand along the other side. I stop when I come upon a lone ridge in the wood. I feel around the area trying to find the handle of the door before finding it and opening it. Before I enter, I see movement out the corner of my eye, but when I look over, nothing is there. I shrug it off and go inside, closing the door behind me.

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