Chapter 1.18

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Chapter 1.18 – Space and Bonding

I was still down in the dumps, thinking about Evelyn. I've been walking around the castle with her stuffed monkey and sleeping with it every night. Nobody really batted an eye at me which I found kind of odd, but Aimee did some digging around and heard from one of the cooks that the Queen had told them I was mourning for someone in my family. I appreciate the gesture because I don't have to explain myself to everyone, but she also didn't give them all the details. She was too good to me.

It had been three days, and the royal family was done with their period of mourning. I think it would seem weird if I was still grieving for my sister when they weren't anymore. At dinner last night, King Xavier announced that today was to be a day for all of us to spend time with each other including the royal family. Thinking about it made me a little nervous given how reserved I am, but I was hoping to speak with Prince Elliot again.

I can't help but think about him and blush whenever he looks my way. We're here for him to find his mate among us, and I know I shouldn't get my hopes up when there are so many of us here. I can't control the way I feel and stop myself from falling for him. If I get hurt in the end so be it; I even expect it. The only thing that would upset me would be not being around the royal family because I get along with most of them pretty well. Princess Fae reminds me of my sister, and I feel that bond with her. I wouldn't be with Aimee of Lady Anabelle any more, and they have been the first friends I've made in a long while. They fill that empty void that was left when my sister died.

But the more I think about that, the worse I'll feel. I don't know what will happen, so it's best just to not think about it and let nature take its course.

Aimee took care in dressing me today keeping in mind we were spending the day with the royal family and that we were going to be outside where it's a bit chilly. She put me in a puffy tulle ballgown that was a deep navy blue color with silver specks in it. The bodice of the gown looked as if a celestial body had pasted itself onto the fabric and danced when light shown on it. She paired it with elbow length gloves that were a glittery silver to match the dress as well as a fur shawl dyed navy blue. My hair was pulled back and twisted into a bun to avoid having it blow in my face when I went out.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was going this to get the Prince's attention. But I do know better. Everything she does has a reason to it.

One of the guards that monitors the hallways escorts me outside where everyone else was. I had seen him before at the infirmary the day the man died and again at the church. He must be very trustworthy to the royals for him to be involved with the secret going ons in the castle. Aimee finds him rather handsome, so I'll try to ask Fae for his name whenever I get the chance.

I looked around to see if I can find her, but she's nowhere to be found at the moment. Prince Elliot was playing a game of chess with Lady Isabella as others watched, so I knew it would be a while before I get a chance to talk to him. King Xavier had a circle of Ladies around him, and as I walked by, I heard him telling tales of the last war. Queen Mae was having tea with a few others nearby. I will stop by at some point to thank her for her kindness. The rest of the royal family I could not find. I had hoped to see Prince Lucas flying his little plane again, but sadly that wasn't the case.

In the middle of the garden there was a gazebo that looked as if it was made of glass. I found myself unable to turn away from its beauty and walked over to it. This was the exact opposite of what the King intended. He wanted everyone to spend time together and here I was separating myself yet again. At this rate, they're bound to think that I don't like them or something. There were a few benches underneath the gazebo and a small fire pit. It was a cozy little spot, and I'm sure it would be a nice spot to enjoy a chilly night.

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