Chapter 1.19

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Chapter 1.19 – Dress Making Challenge

"I'm telling you there's nothing to worry about," Lady Anabelle says as we continue working on our dress making.

"I can't help but worry. I'm a worry wort. How can I not worry when everyone else this week is going on dates with Prince Elliot when I haven't? Don't you remember what the butler said?" I complain, throwing my fabrics down onto my work table and covering my face with my hands.

It had been about two weeks since Prince Elliot and I shared our first kiss, and I couldn't help myself from falling deeper for him. But at the same time, I began to become closer to everyone here and event he royal family. A week after that though, we were given our next contest, and this one had more rules and components. We were told to create a dress to wear when foreign diplomats come to visit at the end of this week. While we worked on them, Prince Elliot would go on dates with the Ladies and four would be eliminated from that. But another four would be elimated after the diplomats leave. It was all very nerve racking, and it was all but confirmed that if you didn't go on a date with the Prince that you would be sent home. That's why I was so bothered.

"There's no need to worry, you'll be fine," Lady Matilda says, patting my shoulder.

"That's easy for you two to say because y'all have already gone on your dates." Lady Anabelle had her date at the beginning of the week, and she was taken into the neighboring village of Islesbury to watch a play. She even bragged about if for a little bit before shutting up about it. Lady Matilda on the other hand was taken to Roseshore to one of the farming properties to pet the animals since it was a passion of hers.

"That may be true, but so far no other Lady has gotten a kiss from the Prince except for you." Lady Anabelle puts her scissors down and takes my hands in hers. "I'm telling you that there's nothing to worry about. That kiss shows that he cares about you."

"Yea and think about it this way. All of the dates so far have been tailored to each Lady's interests, so maybe he's just spending more time on planning yours," Lady Matilda explains, hugging me. "Everyone here likes you too much for you to leave."

"And if for some reason you do leave, we'll sneak you back in." Lady Matilda looks at lady Anabelle a bit shocked at what she says. I myself was a little taken aback because they were trying to cheer me up but that did the opposite. They were trying to not get me to think about leaving. I think she meant well, but it just came off wrong. Not knowing what else to do, I chuckle nervously and pick up my fabrics to continue working.

"Well I certainly hope that Lady Matilda is right and that he's just taking his time," I say stitching together a panel of the dress.

"She has to be because I refuse to believe that Lady Ciara got a date before you did."

"Wait are you serious? Nobody has even seen them together at any point in time!" I exclaim, feeling my heart rate rise up again. Knowing that certainly wasn't helping.

Lady Anabelle nods her head, threading a needle. "I've heard her talk about it for two days now. Anyone who happens to be in the same room as her has to hear the tale, but I've heard it three times and details were different every time. I'm not all that sure that I believe her."

"I haven't heard anything about it, and I'm around other Ladies a lot," Lady Matilda sys, furrowing her brows as she concentrated on cutting a piece of her fabric. "Seems like she wants certain people to hear and others not to."

"That makes it more likely that she's lying then."

"That makes me feel better," I say, shaking my head. "If she got a date before me, then it's done so for me."

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