Chapter 1.7

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Chapter 1.7: A Suprise Visitor

"Milady speak to me please! We mustn't let this bother us and get into our heads!" Aimee called out from behind me puffing with breathe trying to keep pace with me as I walked briskly down the hall and away from the infirmary where the News cast is. As we made our way towards my room, we passed by many other Ladies in small groups that turned their heads toward us. Whispers trailed behind me as their voices carried out as if they were dancing with my ears.

"When did she wake up? I thought we were supposed to be notified?"

"Why is a News crew coming out of the infirmary?"

"Woah look at her arms and legs! You can see exactly where Ali's nails dug into her skin!"

"Ignore their words my Lady they are only merely curious as to what has been going on for the past two days," Aimee whispers in my ear as she takes hold of my upper arm and drags me around a corner just as my tears start to fall down my face. "Milady why are you crying?"

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed is all I mean it was quiet and peaceful in the infirmary, but out here it is crowded and frankly quite noisy," I gasp out feeling my panic start to consume me whole. My lips started to tremble as I felt waves of panic pass through my body, but I willed myself to try and keep calm.

"Oh dear how will we get to your room now without anyone seeing?" Aimee tuttered putting her palms against her cheeks as she began to think. Meanwhile I was trying to muffle my crying noises against my hands but starting to fail miserably as the feeling of claustrophobia started to sink in. The hallway was suddenly so small or was it like that before?

"Oh are you alright Lady Ellody you look a bit distraught, but maybe that is just putting it lightly," Queen Mae asked me coming into view from the other end of the corridor carrying a leather bound book in her delicate looking hands. She had a concerned look on her face as she hurried her steps to get closer.

"She's having a panic attack your Majesty, and I'm afraid that I can't escort her to her room at the moment with all the Ladies in the hallways," Aimee tells her hurrying to grab her maid's skirt and courtesy before seeming impolite as the Queen walked up.

"Nevermind formalities right now Aimee this is a medical emergency. Quick give me your hand, and I'll take you somewhere that is empty of people," the Queen said in a hurried manner taking my hand in one and Aimee's in the other still somehow managing to hold her thick book before hurrying down the length of the corridor. The material of our dresses swished softly yet echoed in the empty hallway along with the clacking sound of our shoes slapping the hardwood floors. Even though we were running through the hallway, the Quern still managed to look so graceful in her movements and in the way she carried herself. I hoped and prayed no one would hear and come to investigate because I was already embarrassed enough that Queen Mae had stumbled upon me as I am going through the motions of my panic attack. Now my body started to shake, and I became afraid my legs would give out on me before we made it to where ever she was leading us.

We stopped at a giant wooden oak door that was finished in a mahogany color that helped it to blend in with the wall surrounding it. If we wouldn't have stopped at it, I would've never known it was there. What striked me as strange was that there was no door handle that I could see, and even if it was camouflaged, it would be sticking out which nothing was. Queen Mae looked over her shoulder and around at our surroundinga before speaking a foreign language causing the door to soundlessly slip open allowing us access into the room.

"Where are we your Majesty?" Aimee asked stepping into the room and guiding me over to a black velvet couch that rested in the middle of the room.

"We are in my private library that the King built for me many years ago when we first got married," she said sighed clasping her hands together against her chest. I guess she was transported into her memories of that time even just for a moment. "Anyway though, nobody knows that this room is here except for me and the King -and well now you two, but that's alright. My point is that because people don't know it's here, you won't be bothered Lady Ellody."

"Thank you your Majesty," I managed to hiccup out before sneezing into a handkerchief that Aimee thoughtfully handed to me.

"Now are you alright because it seems as if you were having trouble moving?" The Queen asked me coming over to the couch and sitting in the space next to me as Aimee felt through her pockets in her small waist apron for my medication.

"Her legs turn to jello your Majesty letting her no longer walk. We are lucky to have gotten her here before her legs gave out on her," Aimee says triumphantly holding up the pill bottle that contained a mixture of all the medicines that I have to take.

"Oh dear do we need to bring you back to the infirmary again or will you be okay?" she asked placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be fine once this medicine gets into my system which may take approximately fifteen minutes," I whisper out taking the pills and water bottle from Aimee's outstretched hands.

"Well if you're sure you are alright then I will call an escort to take you both back to your room Lady Ellody. Because no one knows of this room, you will have to stand outside until someone comes, but anytime you need to calm down from an anxiety attack or want to read, you can come here instead. I trust that you'll keep this little secret between us," Queen Mae says pretending to swipe a zipper closed and throw away the key. Aimee and I did the same before she helped me off the sofa and over to the mahogany door once again. I looked over my shoulder and watched the Queen exit the room through a secret door behind a bookcase just as we exited our door.

"So what so we do know my Lady?" Aimee asks closing the door and sealing away the hidden room once more so that no eyes can see the seemlessness of the door and wall meeting.

"We will wait for however she calls to come escort us to our room I guess. It would be rude not to wait when the Queen is sending someone," I say to Aimee leaning against the wall and placing my head in my hands.

"What's wrong my Lady, are you feeling more ill?" Aimee asked digging around in her apron once more for medicine I may need.

"No no I'm fine it's just that I'm feeling extremely tired at the moment, and I have a pounding headache that juat doesn't want to go away for now I guess," I tell her shaking my head and waving my hand at her telling her not to get out my medicine. "I'll be fine once we get to my quarters and lay down."

"If you're sure you're positive Milady, but please inform me if you feel any worse before we get to your room because we may need to go back to the infirmary," she says coming stand beside me as we wait for our escort to arrive.

"Lady Ellody," a voice says that I can't place a face to since my head was facing towards the ground, "my mother has told me that you need help getting to your room because there has been a medical problem?"

"Prince Elliot my what a suprise!" Aimee exclaims gathering her skirt for another curtsey.

"Hello Aimee. I hope you two don't mind that I escort you two to your room, but I need to speak with Lady Ellody about something involving her winning the talent showcase," he says looping arms with both of us with him in the middle.

"Oh it's not bother at all, though I must inform you that Lady Ellody isn't out of the woods yet. She's experiencing a massive migraine at the moment, so I'm not sure if she'll be much for communication," Aimee tells him gesturing to me showing him the true nature of my state.

"Well then I shall make it quick once we get you safely in the comfort of your room and then leave you to rest," he says moving us quickly through passageways in the walls that I had no idea was there - even though it makes sense in case of an attack - getting us to my room much faster than if we went through the main hallways where the other Ladies and some royal family where. Coming to a stop in front of my door, Price Elliot says, "Well it seems our little adventure through the castle has come to an end."

"Thank you for escorting me here Prince Elliot; it has been a great honor," I say bowing my head slightly and then slipping my hand out of his arm to grab for the handle.

"Before you go in, I need to ask, how would you feel about going into the woods for a picnic and some peace and quiet?" he asks with his hands clasped behind his back.

"I think I'd like that very much," I say with a small smile spreading across my face.

"Then I shall pick you up for lunch then Milady," he says bowing and taking one of my small hands in his and kissing it gently before letting it drop against my side once more. "Good day Lady Ellody."

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