Chapter 1.24

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Chapter 1.24 – Crime 101

Prince Nikolai's words still haunt me. It's been a week, but I can't stop thinking about what he told me. Everything about being hypnotized and learning that my mind belongs to that person is a terrifying thought. Obviously that person isn't dead, but I have no way of knowing it I'll ever come across them again when I go back home. They very well could be hiding out in the Sector waiting to attack again. But that wasn't the only thing he said that bothered me.

The way he ended our conversation that night rubbed me the wrong way, and I never had a chance to speak with him again before all the foreign royals left. It sounded like he seemed. . . interested in me. But that didn't make any sense to me. We don't know each other. I didn't even know who he was until Governess Miran showed us his portrait, and I highly doubt he knew of me before he arrived here. We only interacted that one time at the ball and barely spent any time together. That's nowhere near enough time for someone to decide that they like someone.

I was so bothered I had Lady Anabelle and Lady Matilda come to my room with their maids to ask for their opinion. At first they just thought maybe he was using his ability to confuse me, but once I explained the agreement he had with King Xavier, they dropped it. Aimee and Lacey thought that maybe he thought I was pretty and just attracted to my looks. Lady Anabelle suggested that it might just be the unattainable aspect of the ladies that subconsciously gets to him, but I don't know if I fully believe that. Lady Matilda and her maid Stella still didn't fully trust him, not that I blame them, and don't know if his intentions are pure. The thing is that I didn't tell them the full truth of everything that he said. I just couldn't. It would open up a whole other can of worms I wasn't ready to deal with yet. Soon but not yet.

But even though I talked with them, I still didn't understand Prince Nikolai's words any better.

I couldn't dwell on that now though. Servants ran around this morning disrupting our activities to inform us that King Xavier requested our presence after lunch. We assumed that it would be regarding the conclusion of the foreign royals' visit and what they thought of us, but we were sorely mistaken. Those thought were thrown out the window when we entered the gentlemen's parlor room and saw a highly decorated soldier standing next to the King. Nerves were high as we filed into the room and took seats in front of the two males.

"Thank you all for joining me today. I'm sure none of you have been here, and I apologize for the strange meeting place. We would've met in Governess Miran's classroom, but she is currently holding a lesson with my younger children," King Xavier explains once we're all settled. "First and foremost, I am proud of how well you all carried yourselves in front of the other royals. It's a daunting task, and you all stepped up to the plate. Well done. But that is not my reason for calling you here before me. We have more important matters to discuss. The castle is currently under preparations for the annual Trials."

The room falls silent. Everyone's heard of them. It's for criminals who reoffended, try to escape prison, or commit extremely heinous crimes to be judged in front of the Crown. We never know how long it lasts, and we only know the faces and final punishment but never the charges brought against them. Nobody knows the inner workings except the prisoners, guards, and those who live in the palace. For us to be in the know for anything surrounding the Trials is a great honor but also a weight of responsibility that we didn't have before. It's a secret we'll have to carry with us to our graves.

"This year, the Trials happen to take place during your stay here. Rules written by Queen Trinity at the end of the War of Nightmares dictate that anyone who is living in the castle during the time of the Trials must be present for the duration. By law, this includes you all. There are some basic aspects of the Trials you need to know before it is upon us. The first is that none of us know how long it will take for the proceedings for each criminal and how many will be seen during the Trials. While it lasts, rules dictate that everyone present must fast unless someone has an underlying medical condition. Each of you will be assigned a random prisoner and will give out their punishment. In order to do this properly, Commander Nigel will be running through the standard lists of punishments dealt during the Trials for their crime." He gestures to the soldier that stood next to him, and he gave a small nod of his head, acknowledging us. "While I would love to stay and observe your lesson with him, I have to attend a meeting with my advisors about the Trials. I hope your lesson goes well and that you all enjoy the rest of your day." The King flashes us a smile before exiting the room.

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