Chapter 45; Claire Curvel

Start from the beginning

It was the honest truth. I didn't even know Rick's group until Hershel's farm. And if they left Merle somewhere, he must have done something to deserve it.

"You just tell us where they are and we'll bring them here," he offered with his eyebrows raised. "You'll be safe, I promise." I only stared at him, my mouth not opening to say one word. He wasn't getting my people. "No? Fine. Let's try something else."

My glare stayed on him as he spoke, a smirk replacing his sneer. My stomach churned once again, making me want to dry heave since I had already threw up everything I had in my stomach. This man reminded me of nothing but a complete monster. 

"Stand up, please."

The way he stared me down made me clench my fist by his simple words. He was planning something evil and I wanted no part of it. I ignored his words, never breaking eye contact from him as he leaned forward towards the table.

"Stand up," He repeated, his words sounding more demanding than before. I did as I was told, the chair behind me falling to the ground with a loud thud in the process. I looked down at his seated position. "Take you shirt off," he ordered.

I shook my head, not daring to open my mouth for fear that I would somehow puke again. 

"Take off your shirt or I'll bring Glenn's hand in here." He threatened.

My eyes widened in horror, my mind reeling. I couldn't let anything happen to Glenn. Too many people have died or been hurt while I was around, unable to do anything about it, but not Glenn. I won't let that happen. I didn't hesitate as I grabbed the bottom hem of my white t-shirt and yanked it off, dropping it to the floor. Not once did I break contact with the man, letting him know that even if he was scaring me, I wasn't going to run.

My hands hung at my sides as he seemed to be waiting for something, his disgusting eyes roaming over my breast that were only covered by the dirty white bra I wore. "Go on," he urged with a flick of his hand.

My hands shook as I reached behind me, unclasping my bra and letting it fall to the ground. Tears pooled in my eyes as my hands immediately went to cover myself across my chest, fighting every urge in me to run and cower in a corner of the room. My stomach dropped as he stood up, taking his belt that held his weapons off as he walked towards me.

I turned my head to the side, letting the tears fall as I knew what was about to happen to me. I knew that in a few moments I would feel nothing but pain, physically and emotionally. It scared me. Especially because I was still a virgin. I always thought the time would come around soon when I would be able to tell Glenn I was ready and he would be my first, not like this. Not with this man.

My body shook as he walked behind me, his breath hit my bare shoulder, leaving my bottom lip trembling. His hand brushed hair out of my face, making a sob fall from my lips against my will. Why was this happening to me? What have I ever done so wrong to deserve this?

He tugged on a strand of my hair, sniffing it like some kind of animal. I screamed out in fright as he grabbed the back of my neck and slammed my head down to the table, leaving me bent over at the waist. My hands gripped the edge of the table as he pressed his body against my back.

"So you gonna talk?" 

I shook my head, tears streaming down my face as I shook my head. If this was the price I had to pay to make sure that this man didn't find my people, then I would have to take it. I couldn't let anything bad happen to them. I had a duty to protect them just like they do for me with everything that I got. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to have to go through something like this, but I couldn't let Rick and them down. 

"Go to hell," I snarled through my sobs as I heard his belt unbuckle and his zipper being pulled down. 


"Let's go."

I didn't protest as I pulled my jeans back up, pain radiating throughout the lower half of my body. I didn't speak as I followed the man who took something I could never get back from me. He grabbed my wrist tightly as he pulled my out the room, my free arm never leaving from around my chest as I quietly wept. I felt defeated. Weak. Useless. I felt dead. Might as well have been turned into a walker. 

The man stopped, turning around to look at me with nothing but evil in his eyes. I averted my gaze, my heart feeling heavy in my chest. During the time he was in there with me I had let slip where Rick and them were and now I knew I could never go back. I couldn't face them. I couldn't face Glenn because I know he heard everything and he would be nothing but disappointed.

"You're mine to keep now," he spoke, his words etching into my brain.

What I didn't know as he spoke those words to me, was that he was going to keep them for a long time. 

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