Chatting with Cole

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"Then what is it" Cole asked.

"Why do you want to know if you haven't even told me your name." I replied.

"Well my name is Cole since you want to know so bad" he said.

I wasn't ready to tell him my name because I don't want to get distracted like I always do so instead, I replied to his comment.

" what makes you think I want to know your name so bad" I said 

I've always been sassy and don't plan on stopping.

"I can see in your eyes that you want to know my name but can you please tell me your name?" Cole asked with a face that's hard to deny.

"Fine" I sighed, " my name is Beky" I finished.

"Thank you Beky that was exactly what I wanted" Cole said showing me that he could be sassy as well.

"Anyways, are you In chemistry?" Cole asked with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Yes, Gabe told me about you, he's my lab partner" I said wondering what he was thinking.

"Good because I'm switching him classes" he said with that same smile.

"Awww why, Gabe's way too cool to leave" I nagged hoping to change his cheeky smile into a frown. It worked but it changed back in an instant.

"Maybe because you and I have some chemistry" he flirted. 

"Are you sure about that because it doesn't seem like it does it?" I said like I mentioned, I'm sassy.

His facial expression changed into a wider smile which made me realize what he was doing

"Yeah I'm sure we obviously do" he  replied being flirty and cheeky.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and said "you don't even know who I am, just my name."

It was kind of true, he doesn't know me yet he acts like he does,

 "well why don't I get to know you" he replied hoping I'd answer with at least an ok.

I guess I'll just agree with him because I'm to tired to come up with anything else say 

"You got it, what's your next class" I asked seeing if he could come sit with me next class because I don't particularly sit next to anyone in any of my classes.

"History, do you have that next?" He asked knowing by my facial expression that I did have history next

"yes, I do, I guess if you want to, you can sit next to me, no one sits next to me?" I said

his face changed into a small frown and then back to a smile

"why wouldn't anyone want to sit with a beautiful girl like you" he said still flirting

I really did wonder but then remembered that I sit alone in every class because of a seating chart so that's what I'll say

"because of the seating chart" I said knowing If I said anything else, he would keep flirting

"well ok, I'll sit with you then" he said.

I looked at the mini clock in my locker. (Don't ask  why I have one in my In my locker) I've  been out here for 10 minutes Mr. P is going to be mad at me.

"Well I gotta go my teachers going to be mad" I said walking away.

"Mine is too, I told him I was going to go to the restroom" Cole replied walking away as well

"bye" we both said as I entered my class.  I guess Mr. P  didn't notice I took long, I guess he had an emergency call from his wife.

Cole's POV

I hope I didn't get her in any trouble. I just saw her long brown hair and heard her voice and thought she was beautiful from the start. She was nice though and has a sassiness problem. I can't wait to get out of this class. I want to see Beky again. 

I walked into the classroom when Mrs. O'Brian realized that I had been in the bathroom for 15 minutes. 

She gave me a scary look and then asked, "Where were you Mr. Pendery?"

I didn't know what to say.

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