Chapter Names are Getting Useless

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Dana's POV

It was a half an hour before the little performance started and Cole still wasn't here. Ugh... How amazing. Cole has changed a lot since we came to Texas, it's kinda not good. 

"Hey Dana have you heard anything from Cole yet?" Jill asked. 

"Nope." I said as Jill looked around stressed. She paced when she was stressed so.

" You know what, we'll find a replacement for him just for this performance" she said trying to look around to find someone

 " you're only going to find girls, there's never any guys that come to our mall performances." I said stating the truth

"ugh I know, but I don't anyone who know all the right words other than you guys." She said still pacing

"actually, I know one person" I said in one of those cheesy voices

"yeah? Who." She said in a monotone voice.

"Beky" I said pointing at Beky as Beky looked back to see what we were talking about.

"why didn't I think about that, thanks Dana." She said as she began walking towards Beky.

I am such a genius 

Beky's POV

Well I heard my name and looked back to see Jill and Dana staring at me. This is probably not good. Jill started walking towards my direction so I turned around and decided to pretend that I was someone else. My plan didn't work as I was startled by Jill's voice.

"Beky, I have a question for you?" she said as I turned to face her. She was being a smiley pants. This was definitely not going to be a good thing.

"Yes Jill?" I said in a sarcastic tone of voice. 

"What if we made you take Cole's place in this small performance. It's only one hundred people or more" she said making my eyes pop out of my head.

"Are You Crazy? I can't take Cole's place, he'd hate me even more than he already does, Plus I don't have a good voice and one hundred people...or MORE? That's a lot and I'm going to mess up and you're being impractical Jill. I can't sing I suck and all these people will think something happened with Cole but in real he's just" I was blabbering and she cut me off.

"There's a mic, go get it on and have Aimee do your Make-up and have Liv do your hair. It's just for this one performance. Thanks Beky, you're a life saver." she said making all my word disappear.

I guess I'm going to have to sing for these people. These strangers. They don't even know who I am except for the creepers who get into Cole's personal life and know that I am his girlfriend, or should I say ex girlfriend. 

I walked over to the technical guy, whatever you call them and he gave me a mic. Then Jill pushed me towards Aimee and she did my make-up in 5 minutes and I must say, it looked pretty good I guess. Then, Liv got out her weird Curler thing that curls your hair really fast. That took about 5 minutes as well. Than I got changed into the same colors as the guys, Purple and Black. They went over the little that I didn't know. Made sure my dances for that were accurate. I practiced a lot with Cole so I memorized his dance which I guess is why they chose me to take Cole's part. 

I have to admit, I was a little excited. I sang a lot in the shower. Even if it's 3 in the morning and everyone's sleeping. I sing a lot. I just don't think I'm good. 5 minutes until I have to get on and I was nervous. I don't know how people do this. They sing in front of strangers and ugh... I don't think I have the guts to do any of this. Even though since I was little I always wanted to sing, I never was able to because I have a really bad stage fright and it's crazy. As Dana and Dalton pushed me on and Will helping Gabe get to the stool up that was placed up there for him my face went red. I zoned out but my mind was still thinking

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