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Coles PoV

"Cassidy, you're making this hard for me" I said trying to calm her down.

"No! You can choose me or her and I need to know now" she yelled making me feel bad.

I love Beky but, I've been feeling lately that maybe we were just not meant to be.

"Cassidy." I said walking up to her. " I choose you" I finished my sentence. 

She smiled and looked up "Really?"

"Yes, now I'm just going to go text Beky to tell her that I can't be with her" I walked over to my phone. 

Me and Cassidy, we've been hanging out lately. Not as more than friends just plain old friends but we have developed feelings for each other. 

I opened my messages and I saw one from Beky.

*text conversation*

 >=Cole <=Beky 

< "Cole, you wanna come over tonight. I'm bored and have nothing to do" 

"um well.. I have to tell you something">

< "Sure tell me :)"

"Im breaking up with you for Cassidy">

<"Umm.. Okay"

"I still want to be friends and all">

<"Actually Cole, you don't, I really don't want to talk to you anymore"

"Beky? please don't be mad">

No Reply.

*end of conversation*

oh well... I really don't care.

"Hey Cass, I broke up with her, come toooo meeee" I said making hand gestures for her to come sit next to me.

"Someone seems pretty happy about it" she giggled

"Tell that to yourself" I said laughing

You know what I'm glad we broke up. Then I don't have to listen to listen to her Ranting and complaining.

"Cassidy, I love youuuuu" I sang and she laughed

"I love youuuu tooooo" she sang back.

This is going to be the beginning of a happy relationship :)

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