Too romantic it's scary

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Beky's POV

we got back to the hotel, fingers entwined swing ing our joined hands back and forth. We knocked on everyone's door and gave them their breakfast burritos and orange juice and went back in our room.

I guess I was tired and so I plopped down on the couch and decided to lay on the couch. Cole ate his burrito in the kitchen on the little stool. I flipped on Adventure Time and pulled out Cole secret stash of Warheads from between the couch cushions. That's when he heard the wrappers.

He walked over and stood in front of the T.V. And I couldn't see ._.

"COLEEEE" I whined "I want to watchhhhhhhhh" he laughed at my whine.

"first of all. We were Adventure Time buddies. We have to watch togetherrrr. Second, you know me so well. You know where I hide my warheads. Impressive" he said laughing. He then went and sat on my stomach.

"ColeyyPoooooooo, your bony butt is stabbing meeee" I said shoving him. He fell to the ground and he pulled me off The couch and I landed on him. 

"Have you ever realized how amazing you are?" He said. I looked him in the eye. I had butterflies.  

"Haha Yeah I know" I joked flipping my hair

he laughed and then pecked my lips. I smiled and rolled off of him. I stood up and straightened out my shirt and sat down on the couch. Cole then sat down on my lap. We finished the episode and then was acting all romantic.
"there'll never be a flame princess. Because Finn will always belong with Princess bubblegum" is an example and I just smiled.

Dalton and Will blasted through the door laughing their heads off. 

"Did you eat the cheese?" Dalton said still laughing like he was stuck laughing for the rest of his life. 

"No. That's why we went to Mc Donalds. Duh" I said

will stopped laughing
"In. Case you wanted to know, we rubbed our feet on it" will said as they walked out. 

Cole looked back at me smiled "where were we?"

"haha you were telling me cheesy romantic stuff" I replied.

"No... I seem to remember"
he leaned in and kissed me
"that's what I remember"

I laughed. "Cole what's up with you being all lovey today?"!

he smiled ,"ohh nothing" he said suspiciously 

-Continue reading this chapter xD-

"Nooooo.. Cole Telll Me please?" I said.

He rolled off of me and sat back down on the couch. I did too.

"Beky... It's a secret" he winked and looked back at the T.V. 

I pouted and he looked over at me and pecked my lips. 

"No more kisses until you tell me what's going on" I said.

He stared at the T.V. for 10 seconds and then looked at me. 

I got up from the couch and began walking into the kitchen for a glass of water. Without me noticing he ran up from behind me and lifted me up and carried me back onto the couch. He then tickled me and I was crying of laughter. I didn't know he knew I was ticklish. Then he stopped and kissed me.

"I guess you told me an empty threat" he said and then laughed. I giggled

"It would be a punishment for the both of us if I really took that into action" I said. 
Just then he got a phone call. From Jill.

"Hold Up Beky. I'll be right back." he said pressing the answer button on his phone. He walked into the bedroom since the T.V. was still on and very loud. I wonder what the room below us thinks. They probably can hear Lemongrab asking how Ice King tastes. (DON'T THINK DIRTY OKAY?)

I turned the T.V. off and heard Cole talking.

"but Jill I was going to take Beky out tonight" he said probably to his phone. 
That's probably why he was being all romantic. I'm not going to listen anymore thats eavesdropping and I a not going to. Instead, I quicky jotted a note and stuck it to the door. I ran down to Dana's room to hang out with Amanda and him. Thirdwheeling for like 5 minutes. I walked right up to the door and knocked on it. Dana answered. 

"Hey Dana is Amanda there?" I asked. He frowned. 

"Not Yet she said she'd be here in 15 minutes. She's stuck in traffic" He said.

"That's too long" I whined and slopped right back into the room we're staying in. I ripped the note off the door. nd sat back down on the couch. Cole walked in. 

"Sorry, Beky that I took a long time. Just working out stuff. So today we have an hour long concert at the beach in 3 hours so I was thinking we could go there right now and yeah. and I have to tell the guys that we are going to have the concert. but what do you think?" he said. 

I smiled "Anything you want Fruitloop." I said. I LOVE THE BEACH I wanted to scream. because it's my favorite place to go.

"so no?" He frowned.

I decided to say it "I LOVE THE BEACH!" 

"Okay then the beach it is, get your bikini and towel." he said

"Who said anything about bikini's though? There's a bunch of people at the beach and I don't want anyone to see my tummy" I said

He laughed, "I was joking, wear whatever you want" 

"Okay." I went to the bedroom and pulled out what I was going to wear. I was going to swim in my t-shirt and shorts and had my bikini under just to bug Cole. and plus I needed something to put under my white t-shirt. I grabbed a towel and sunscreen and followed Cole out the door. He was going to tell the guys we had a mini concert at the beach so I came with him because I haven't seen Gabe, Alex since last night and I haven't seen Amanda in awhile too. That took bout 5 minutes and then we left to the beach 

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