After School

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Beky's POV

I can't tell Tali about Cole giving me his number so I guess I'm going to hide it. It's not like she ever sees me, only at band practice which is ok.

"Hey, so what were you going to tell me" Cole texted which sends a little notification thing on my iPhone. 

"I don't know, it's just the only person that has ever talked to me like that was my ex" I wrote 

I guess you can say we were the cutest couple you've seen. The thing is, you'll never believe who my ex is................................... Harry Styles. We were always together having the time of our lives. Back when I lived in Holmes Chapel 3 years ago. He was sweet and then he left me. For Taylor Swift!!! Oh well though because I got over him 

"Oh I'm sorry, You know I really like you and know that no matter what, I'm Here  <3 c:" Cole texted back

"Did I just say that, oh well, now you know<3"     Cole texted before I even had the chance to reply

"Thank You Cole c: you totally made my day and about you liking me, let's say, I might like you back C:" I wrote kind of processing what he had said and what I just said.

"so you could not like me :c" Cole texted back.

I realized that I didn't maybe like him, I really do like him which ended up going in my next text to him. I just didn't want him to think I'm obsessed

"do you want me not to like you?" I replied being sassy like he knows I am.

"No! Of course I want you to like me, have you seen my model walk, that was for you xD"he replied getting me a little creeped out.

I laughed about it though because of how funny it was. All of their model walks are funny.

"I loved your model walk, it's super funny and about me liking you, just take that as a yes," I replied still realizing how funny it was,

to a lot of people, model walks aren't that funny but when it comes to IM5 and walking, like models, I can't help but giggle a bit

"Yes, so how about I take you on a date" Cole replied 

I only had known Cole for a few hours and he's asking me out, it doesn't seem right but hey, he's a sweet, charming and amazing guy and I just can't help it

"you're so sweet and I would say yes but...." I replied hoping to see what he does

"but what :/" he replied 

"Yes Cole, I would love to go on a date with you" I replied feeling all lovey and warm inside. 

"When and where should I pick you up then <3" Cole answered back

I really didn't want to say my address, I don't even know it but Ill give him directions to my house from school. I didn't even know what time we should go on a date it's 4 o clock, I pretty much have tonight though

"I don't know, surprise me and my house is just two blocks away from the school, turn left and then go straight for two streets and then turn right and my house is just the one with a big tree in the corner." I replied hoping I don't confuse him. 

"Got it, why don't I come in 3 hours around 7" he replied

This only got me even more excited

Superman || Cole PenderyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon