Apology may or may not be accepted

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Beky's POV

I ran inside the car and decided to plan what I was going to do in the restaurant. I was going to sit at a chair where he could barely see me and I could barely see him since we have to eat as a group. The ony way is if he or me had leaned forward or backwards. I am so smart. I finished up the plan and the  front door opened. Expecting Dalton to be there, I sat up. 

"Hey" I said. I heard a laugh but it wasn't Dalton's. It was Cole's.

I literally felt like exploding at him. How did he even know I was even in here? Wait, why did he laugh?

"You do realize after this sentence is finished, I'm not speaking to you" I said turning my head to the window trying not to make eye contact. That' when he opened the door, got out and then got in the bcak seat next to me. I felt like screaming.

"I know, but I can still talk to you right?" he said. Since I was stubborn, I didn't reply to that with anything. Not even with a head nod.

"Well I'll take that as a yes. Beky, I'm really truly sorry. I was dumb, I was blind and I let you down. After I did that, I thought I was happy but turns out I was even worse than what I thought I would be. After Cassidy would fall asleep, I cried myself to sleep, I-" I cut him off

" You think that you can just come in here and apologize, for shattering my heart to pieces, it's not that easy Cole" I said.

"Beky, I know it's not that easy and I even broke my own heart. I've been heartbroken for the past 3 days since this has happened and I can't even get over the fact that if you wanted, you could be with someone else." he said. I wasn't going to give in to him. He broke my heart, and thinks that it's okay but it's not and I don't want this to happen again.

"Well what was the point of doing that. You know what Cole, no. I am not putting up with this." I said sliding over to open the car door so that I could leave. Tears started to form in my eyes. I pulled the handle.

"Beky, wait"  He said. Why doesn't he understand

" NO Cole, I'm not going to go through this right now." I shut the door and slowly descended up the road to go back inside. Then I felt a tug at my arm. It was Cole

"Beky, I love you, I have loved you and I will always love you. Whether you love me back or not." He said leaning in to kiss me.

I pulled myself back. "Cole, I love you too but I am not risking the chance of getting hurt again." I finished walking up when everyone walked out of the building so I walked back with them. Everyone had gotten into Dalton's car leaving me no room. 

"Sorry Beky, you can go with Cole" Will said with a smirk. I think they planned this, or Dana planned this because the other guys are more not evil.

Cole smiled "Please Beky?" 

I rolled my eyes and walked to Cole's Car. Great. Just great.

"Yay", he clapped and opened the door like a gentleman. Ugh... kissing up to me is not going to work if that's what he's trying to do.

I went into the backseat declining his opening the door thing. There ain't no way that I'm sitting up there next to him. Weird thing is is that he came into the backseat again.

"Cole, we have to go." I said scooting away from him.

"Not until we fix what is broken, what is bugging you, what's making you not accept my apology?" he said.

I knew we were not going to leave until I tell him.

"Start driving and I'll tell you" I said. He opened the door and got out and then opened the front door and sat down. 

He turned the car on and then pulled out of the parking lot. 

"Well, what are you going to tell me?" he said.

I mumbled "what do you want me to say?" Cole always understtod my mumbling. It was weird.

"Let's start off with this. What's bugging you?" he said.

Without thinking, I shouted "You", this kind of made him frown but eh... he kind of deserves it don't you think?

"Okay, that's a start. Why won't you accept my apologies?" he said sounding a little bit disappointed.

It was easy for me to tell him anything, "Well, umm.. You know who Austin Mahone is, right?" I said as Cole Nodded.

"well the day that you (emphasis on the you) broke us up, I went over to his house and he made me feel better, and I felt a connection" I said. Cole frowned but gave me an understanding look.

"So you two are dating?" He asked seeming a little gloomy.

"Haha No, I've kinda been pushing him away because, I've loved you" I said. His eyes filled with hope which made me feel happy. Whenever Cole was sad, I was sad, whenever he was happy, I was happy.

"So why don't you come back to me.?" he said. That question processed through my head.

" I really don't know why." I said. Something about this made me feel as if we were going to get back together in the next 5 minutes.

"Oh, okay." he said. 

Then there was an awkward silence.

"Well Princess, how about you be my girlfriend...again" he said. I can't believe that he still remembers that nickname.

"What happens if I say no?" I said playing around.

"Then this fruitloop will be very very sad" he said. I giggled and I was blushing.

"Fine, only because I love fruitloops" I said. He smiled and my redness went down a little bit.

"Princess, it's nice to have you back" He smiled. I kinda ruined it though.

"Yeah, but there has to be certain conditions. I want to see how long it takes for the guys to realize we're back together so this, is a secret right now until one of them figures it out. We have to sit not close to each other at the restaurant and yeah." I said, I told you I kinda faded his smile but it came back. 

"Sounds good." he said. Then we arrived at the restaurant. He opened the door and I went back to being Beky with the attitude. It was hard because it was hard to contain our giggles and laughs. We sat 4 seats down to each other and I couldn't contain my laughter. I broke down with giggles and Cole just tried to keep a stern look on his face but then he joined the laughter as welll. I guess they kind of figured. My plan did not succeed but when does it ever? xD

"So you guys are friends now?" Dana asked giving us glares. This caused everyone to stare waiting for a response.

I couldn't stop giggling but I had to answer "Yeah, I guess" I answered. Cole blushed and seeing that expression it caused everyone to question our relationship said to see if we were even more than friends

"Are you guys dating?" Will said, there was an awkward silence.

"Yeah" I said smiling a lot. The smiling included blushing and everyone stared. Then they went off to do what they were doing before. Dana got up and slid my chair over next to Cole and sat where I was.

"thanks Dana" Cole said. While everyone else was talking, we were in our own little universe. This only ever happens when I'm with Cole. If you don't know what it means to be in your own little universe, well for me and Cole, it's where we feel connected, where everything seems to make perfect sense and everyone else around us is sorta blocked out. It's our little paradise <3

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