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Beky's POV

I was okay. Like I've gone through break-ups before so I'm used to it. I think I learned not to waste my tears either. I was walking to my room because I had put my phone to charge in there and I heard my phone ring. I had 7 missed Calls from my dad. So I called him back.

*Phone Conversation*

"Hi dad" I said

"Beky, Me and your mom won't be home for a little bit. Your Aunt got in a car accident and well she's in the hospital and they're trying to make sure she was okay." he said trying to sound Calm but you could tell there was hurt in his voice

"Okay, I'll watch the kiddos when they get home" I said trying to brighten the mood but it didn't work

"That was what I was asking, but I can see you got it so, I'll keep calling you to give you updates and stuff okay?" he said still in a stern voice

"Yeah Okay" I said and then I hung up

* end of phone conversation*

I don't know how to feel. Right Now like the world wants me to be sad. Well then, I'll give it what it wants.

All the tears that I've been holding up for the past few hours just came out and ughh... worst feeling in the world

Right now I just need Cole! To hold me while wiping the tears away and telling me that everything was going to be okay. But he won't be here because he's with Cassidy, holding her when she has a perfect life. I mean Cassidy was my friend. We hung out several times but I guess we're not friends anymore. 

I got up from my bed and tried to clean my eyes from crying. The tears just wouldn't stop. It was like I owned every tear in the world and they were wanting to come out right then. I got dressed out of my ugly clothes and put on a flowery shirt with pale pink jeans. I grabbed my curling iron and curled my hair. I put on my random flats and decided to text Austin. I would take me 30-45 minutes to get to San Antonio which is okay I guess. (In real, it would be 2 hours but pretend). Meanwhile, Amanda texted me stuff about Dana. I haven't told her that Cole left me for Cassidy because then Dana would find out and then cause Conflicts with Cole and No, I don't want that. For Now, it's just me again, in this world all alone.

Austin's POV

Ahh!! Beky's coming over! I'm so excited. After Leaving that town last month, I think I started crushing on Beky. I just wondered why she would come and visit me. Doesn't she have Cole? It must be something weird for her to want to come visit me. I went to her school for 3 weeks while I was there, that school has A LOT of fangirls like, I almost died. I think I like homeschooling better. Anyways, I had a few classes with Beky and we became good friends. 

30 minutes later

I opened the door after hearing her knock.

"Hey Beky" I smiled, and pulled her into a deep hug. 

"Hey Austin" she smiled back but you can see something behind her brown eyes

"Beky, what's wrong" I asked. She looked down and looked as if she was trying not to cry.

"Nothing" she mumbled loud enough for me to hear

"Are you sure because you don't just go to your friends house with teary eyes" I said trying to joke around but something told me she wansn't in the mood to joke.

She looked up at me and hugged me and tears started pouring out of her eyes. I hugged her back rubbing my hands in circles around her back.

"He left me, for a friend, for Cassidy, he said that dating me was a mistake" she stopped and looked at her hand. Then she looked back at me and finished, "The worst part is, he didn't even say what I did wrong". I could barely understand her words but I could feel the pain. I don't know how but I could 

I was still holding onto her but I held her closer and tighter as she kept pouring tears out of her eyes. I felt as if I could never let her out of my arms. 10 minutes passed. No words were spoken but she had stopped crying. I think she was falling asleep, I think I was falling asleep but I wouldn't let her go. Even if she wanted to escape out of my grip, I wouldn't let her. I held her closely as she slowly closed her eyes and I felt sleepy. I fell asleep as well. I didn't want to sleep because I was still a little bit angry with Cole and everyone else around her, me and us. I picked up my phone and opened twitter. As I did, I saw a tweet from Cole and that pushed me to the edge. 

The tweet read

"Chillin with my babe" and there was a picture of him and Cassidy together.

I was so mad that I threw my phone to the wall. I kissed Beky's head andd fell asleep.

Beky's POV

I woke up feeling warm and safe realizing that I was in Austin's arms. Any fan would love to be meright now. In fact, I don't even know how I got to know Austin. I mean, like he's famous and why would he want to be friends with some regular girl. I looked up and saw his cute little face sleeping and I couldn't resist so I squirmed softly out of his arms and walked all the way over to the phone that was on the floor on the other side of the room. I grabbed it and saw a picture that he was looking at. Of Cole and Cassidy. That really hurt but I have to stay strong. I opened the camera app and took a picture of Austin sleeping. I went back on twitter and uploaded it. I giggled at my smartness of this and stared at his phone as 100's of retweets and favorites were blowing up. Thenn I set the phone down realizing I had to get home. My brother and sister were probably there with Dana and the rest of the guys. Probably not with Cole but the rest of the guys. The guyss probably don't know about Me and Cole but they will have to find out sooner or later. I conveniently found a notebook on the table so I grabbed it and wrote down a note to Austin saying that I was leaving. I folded it and put it in his hand so when he woke up he'd find it. I grabbed my little bag and slowly and quietly made my way to the door but for some reason, he heard me walking

"Beky, where are you going?" he mumbled in a sleepy tone

"I have to go home, there is people waiting for me" I said trying to be quiet

He rubbed his eyes quietly and looked as if he was about to get up

"Austin, you can go back to sleep, you have a busy life" I said trying to get him back to a laying position. I felt as if I had just ruined his life though by coming here and I didn't want to be anymore of a bother

"Bekyyyy, Can't you stay over?" He asked in a whiny voice which gave me the chills

"No, I have to watch my brother and sister and take care of Gabe" I said

"Fine you can go but wait, I want to walk you to the bus stop" He said getting back up and walking to the door.

" No, you go back to sleep" I said in a whiny tone as well.

10 minutes later (I know, random, huh)

I guess he was walking me to the bus stop

So we walked and talked and laughed and finally I we got there. He waited with me for the bus and we finished up every conversation we talked about. 

"Beky, make sure you come back" He said hugging me

"Okay" I smiled and waved at him as I slowly walked up the bus steps

"Bye Austin, text me if you want" I said

He nodded and then I went to go sit down. Maybe I might have grown some feelings for him. I don't know, right now I just want to go home

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