Dana's Problem

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Cole's POV

I woke up with a pleasant feeling in my tummy. I guess that's what happens when the last person I talked to is Beky. She's amazing and I feel lucky to have her with me because she is like my dream come true. I would text her but it's kind of early so I don't want to wake her up or anything so it's fine, I'll text her around 9.

"It's so hard to talk to guys" Dana repeated to himself

"Ummm... Dana, you talk to me?" I said trying to joke around

"No I'm serious, does she really think I'm a girl???" Dana said seriously

"To her defense, even though I don't know who you are talking about, your name kind of sounds like a girl name." I said trying to say it as politely as I can

"I guess I should've told her" he said trying to feel better about this

I  honestly don't know what's going on but maybe I should ask.

"Hey Dana, what is going on?" I asked a little bit worried whether he was going to go Diva on me or not

He let out a sigh and then came and sat on the couch next to me, "Soo, I met this girl online and I think I have a crush on her but she thinks I'm a girl, she thinks that I'm just one of those girls that talk all the time but I'm a guy." 

"Maybe you should tell her" I suggested

"I am, I'm going to make sure she knows and then make her like me" He said boldly

"I guess but don't force her t like you because then that would make her hate you" I said giving him good advice

"Isn't that what you did with Beky though" he said making my face go red in embarassment and anger

"NO, I did not do that to Beky, I just convinced her to like me by flirting and how do you even know about me and her" I said trying to get my cool on

"Will and I sort of maybe went through your phone last night around 1 or 2 but we had a purpose" Dana said only making me feel more furious

"Yeah and what was that purpose" I said trying to stay calm

"Well you came home late and you just went straight to bed and we wanted to know where you were and we didn't want to bother you" Dana said trying to apologize

"Ok but you could've asked me" I said calming myself more down

"I'm sorry" Dana said giving me his puppy dog face which no one can resist

"It's fine but don't do it again" I said forgiving him

"Ok" Dana said going back to trying to tell that girl

"Hey Dana, what's that girl's name, maybe Beky knows her because she knows everyone" I said

"Her name's Amanda and I highly doubt she knows everyone, you're just exaggerating" Dana said being sarcastic

After that Jill, our new Day to day manager yelled "Boys! Let's go"

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