Band Issues

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9:00a.m. Beky's POV

"Who's waking me up sooooo early???" I mumbled to myself

I'm not a morning person. In fact, I'm not even an anytime person. I just do whatever whenever and that's it. I'm lazy you can say, everyone knows me as that when I was too lazy to drink chocolate milk. Don't get me wrong though, I wasn't always lazy. I used to be active

"2 new messages from Cole<3" my phone read as I woke up excited to talk to him.

"Hey Princess, did you have a good sleep?" The first text read

the second one said, " hope I didn't wake you up :\" 

"no you didn't and my morning was great how about yours" I lied

 I didn't want to make him feel bad and plus, he woke me up. I would've been late to practice if he wouldn't of woken me up. 

"Great! Me and Dana argued this morning though :/" Cole replied

"What did you argue about and are you guys better?" I replied because I didn't want Dana and Cole fighting the world needs less drama. 

"Nothing, and yeah we're better now but he wants to know if you know a girl named Amanda? :)" he replied

"I do know an Amanda why?" I asked 

"cause he has a little crush on her bit she thinks he's a girl because of his name XD" he replied

poor Dana. His name makes the girls want to be just friends. I'll find a way to work this but are we even talking about the same Amanda. I hope I'm not confusing Amanda's because that could cause problems

"I'll get her to find out but before, I'll find out if we're talking about the same Amanda's c:" I said

"Anyways... I wish I could talk but we kind of need to work so bye sweetie <3 c:" Cole replied 

"me too :/" I said back

I have to get ready for our band rehearsal which has completely slipped my mind. 

Cole's POV

"Who are you talking to lover boy, is it a new girlfriend because remember you're all mine!" Dalton said giving me the chills

"No one Dalton if you want to find out, ask Will or Dana, they know who" I said

I guess its ok for the guys to know who Beky is, just as long as they don't put stuff all over the Internet. 

"Hey Will tell Dalton who I was talking to be sues if I say, it'll break his poor little heart" I said loud enough for Dalton to hear.

"wait you know" will asked me in curiosity

"oh yeah Dana told me, it's cool just don't do it again." I said 

"ok! Dalton, let me break this to you slowly... Cole.. Found.. A.. Whom.. He.. Calls.. Princess.. But" Will said

Dalton put his crybaby face and fake cried as I went over and gave him a big hug. Then Gabe came in. 

"What happened here" Gabe said 

dalton kept fake crying but mumbled "Cole has a girlfriend named Beky."

I giggled and Gabe giggled and then he said "let me tweet this..... Dalton crying because Cole found a girlfriend" 

as he read that out loud, I ran up to him and took his phone right before he pressed send

"Nonononono... We want to keep this little thing a secret so yeah" I said erasing what he had typed. I handed hi back his phone

"oh so you're trying to keep a secret from all those fans that love your face so much.... I get it and its a secret that will never leave my lips" Gabe said making me smile.

then we got back to work.

Beky's POV

What to wear to band practice. I don't want to look like I really don't care but I don't want to look fancy. I was going and ripping clothes out of my dresser and then I found the perfect thing. I'll wear a loose black and white striped shirt and some black shorts but what to do with my hair. It's still curly from last night at the date. I'll be lazy like always and put it up in a ponytail. 

I was walking down the street to Meli's house. I live a 2 minute walk so I always walk there to go to band practice. Everytime though, there is always this creepy stalker guy who always bothers me but I guess today, he wasn't there. I reached the house that is right next to Melissa's house. I guess they are moving out. I walked down the driveway of her house and up the pathway to her cute red door. It was more like burgundy and it was pretty. It fit along with her cute house as well.

I knocked on the door and Isa opened it. it was 10:30 A.M. and I got here right on time c:. but when I entered, they all looked at me with frowns... I'm not even joking, it looked like they painted frowns on their faces and put foundation on their lips to make it look sad but they were really frowning.

I looked up to them and said "Why is everybody soo down"

They looked at me as if I didn't even know what was wrong because it's true, I don't.

"Because you were late to Practice!" Tali snapped back

I put my very confused face on (I have a mask for everything...JK) and then replied with sassiness

"You didn't tell me anything sooo therefore, I'm not late!"

 Isa gave me a face and then turned around to look at Kara and then looked back at me

"That's why we decided......if you come late once more, we'll kick you out" She said trying to be polite

I tried to be calm because everyone knows I get mad fast 

"so you're saying that because I was late once and it wasn't even my fault because no one told me about it and if I come late once more, I get kicked out?  because if it's like that then........... I QUIT! I hate when people like you do that because if you really wanted me out in the first place, then just tell me" I said trying to keep my calm.

"I guess you can quit and we wanted you out of the band anyways" tali said giving me a sassy look

I was on my way out when I realized I was dating Cole. I stopped turned around and then realized they would tell the world if I told them

"It's fine because I've already got IM5" and then realized what I did say but I just kept walking.

I ran home to my room and then sat down on my bed. I grabbed my phone out of my dresser and then texted Cole.

"I'm not in the battle of the bands anymore...:/" I texted rapidly

Ha I know Cole is busy and if he doesn't answer for awhile, I'm totally cool with it, right now, I'm going to sleep because I'm tired and I sleep a lot.

I was dreaming about random things when I got a text from Cole

"Awww what happened??? :/" the text read

Should I explain to him or should I just sleep? I didn't want to be rude though so I'll text him

"Nothing just an argument so I quit" I texted

"Aww : c I'm sorry princess" he said making me smile

Everytime he calls me princess, I get butterflies in my tummy I can't help but smile and even if I resist it, I just love it!

"it's fine, it was my choice and there's nothing else to do" I said smiling because I smile a lot

After that he didn't reply because he probably had to get back to work.

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