He cleared his throat very loudly as Niall jump up with his eyes open wide looking here and their like a freaking monkey. And Harry thinks that would be he first description he would think of before , but now he thinks his look is adorable .

Shaking his head he comments "The boys are coming " and nonchalantly sat beside him . Niall looked confused as to the reason for this sudden plans , he didn't got any call or message.

He asked " Why ?" harry just rolled his eyes at him giving him a are you stupid look answering " To hang out ?" Which was more of a question because he thought why the hell else would the boys be visiting .

Niall scowled at Harry's expression not pleased at all as he remarked "You could have answered without making face " and Harry replied with a sass while opening the cap of the water bottle "Only if you would have not asked such a stupid question " with that he started drinking only to splutter it on his chest as Niall shouted "Don't put your mouth on the neck ! Have some manners and pour it in a glass or drink keeping some distance !"

Harry gave him a shrug getting up and purposely drinking by attaching his lips to the neck just to annoy the blonde more .

Finishing the bottle he threw it on the couch " Keep it back , I am going to hit shower . Open the door when the boys arrive "

Niall rolled his eyes at the curly lad folding his shawl as Harry went to do his business.


In about ten minutes and three knocks all the lads were sprawled on the couch. Well Louis and Luke were sprawled on the two ends , their legs spread on the couch obviously without shoes as Niall flipped shit started tutting them that it was his bed .To this Louis rolled his eyes making a comment about how the blonde should just consider the bed inside and received a well deserved wack from the said blonde.

Liam was on Zayn's lap both on the chair , that they dragged closer to the couch and table. Niall was on the other hand on the other chair closer as well stressing about the things they had carried with them.

"C'mon Niall try one , its not that harmful" Niall pushed Louis' arm shaking his head "Louis you do know that you guys are players ?" To this Liam answered making Niall's eyes go wide as he thought that Liam was against this shit or something .

Luke shrieked putting his arms above "God you are saying as if we are doing drugs " and Zayn added " or pot ". Louis nodded blowing rings of smoke in front of Niall's face making him scrunch his nose.

"I know we are players and our game is next week . We can't pull cigeratte's or do weed . Hookah is our last option .....and drinking." Niall nodded along Liam's words which somehow made sense. He was intrigue by the whole thing and the flask and the attached pipe .Louis saw that as a chance and pushed the pipe to his mouth .

Surprisingly accepted it wanting to try something new as it was less harmful muttering what the hell .

Blowing smoke over he sat squishing between Luke and Louis .All the guys continued and chatted on different topics.

Harry got out of the bathroom and found himself surrounded in smoke. He smelled and instantly knew what the guys were up to .Excited to join him he ran to his room and quickly threw on clothes he had picked out before going to shower.

Entering the living room he halted not believing his eyes , he rubbed them before opening again thinking he was dreaming even though he would never dream something like this , even in his wildest dream.

The scene playing in front of him should not affect him . Niall blowing smoke pipe in one hand should not affect him .But it did . And the horrible fact for him was he could never control himself.

So it was not a surprise to him and the boys but to Niall , definitely a shock for the blonde boy when he stormed right in front of the couch and snatched the pipe from his hands . He threw it on Louis and screamed , okay not scream but his voice was loud and kind of stern as he talked

"What the fuck? Who told you to do this shit ? Not for you Blondie ! " He then turned to Liam and continued " I thought you are his best friend or something "

At that Niall and Louis both shouted one said "I can do what I want !" And the other "The fuck ! I am his best friend "

Harry simply rolled his eyes at both of them and glared when Niall took the pipe in his mouth not before saying "You don't tell me what I can and can't do . And I like this shit "

Harry bent down pulling the pipe from his mouth with the whole thing and dumping it on the corner of the empty chair .

"To bad princess we are going to club" he then looked at the boys "Get your asses out of my house and in the car . And Lou I am driving no questions , so don't even think of sitting behind Diana's steering wheel"

Liam and Zayn neared the door Harry right after them .Niall stopped him from following as he said " You prick ,you don't order your friends around like that "eyes blazing with anger
And everyone stopped in their movement .

Harry calmly told him while putting his things in his pocket "I know .I am not that much of an idiot to order Lou around , you know that guy "earning a loud and offended 'hey!'and everyone chuckled at that . He continued "But in my house I can now move along Blondie "

With that Niall stormed out not sparing him a glance .Louis and Luke followed behind him and Harry locked the door .

Louis commented making everyone else smirk and giggle (not Niall because he is ahead , stomping in anger ) "Watch out for protective Harry , damn did you see his face ?? Keep your dollars ready boys 'cause Tomlinson is gonna make some cash" reminding them about the bet they had made on when Niall and Harry will get together .

Harry heard Louis as he stepped behind him "I heard that Louis "making him scoff "Calm your hormones and stop being possessive about your kitten " winking at him and for the first time the brunette lad ducked his face as heat creped up his cheeks.

He pulled Louis by shoulder pushing him forward as he said "Move it Tommo ! You are to slow and I wanna get smashed !"



Here is the chapter . I know it is kind of short and filler one .But interesting things to come ahead .

Thoughts on the chapter ?

Thoughts on protective Harry ?

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Love ya guys 😘

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