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There's guns. Guns are going off.

Never mind, just one. His. He's holding a gun. He's shooting cans. What's the purpose in that?

There's a lingering fear in the back of his mind that he's being watched, but he continues shooting bottles and cans.

The gun is gone.

He's pulling someone to the ground, he's sitting on top of them. Why is he sitting on top of someone? Why is the person bleeding? Why won't the guns stop shooting?

The fear is still there.

He's stitching up the persons stomach-no. That feels wrong. He's digging the bullets out. He's trying to help them but the man doesn't want help.

Now he's standing.

There's a group of people standing in front of him. Nameless, faceless people. The fear is stronger this time, sending a chill down his back.

He jumps as a gun goes off, and a person to the right in the group drops, dead. A man, the same man from earlier, comes and stands in front of him. He stares at the back of the mans head.


Why is he so scared? Why does this feel like coming home?

Why can't he remember?

Pewdie screams, hands coming up to his head to hold it as he falls to the right, crashing into a wall and sliding down. His head hurts so much from these memories that don't feel like his, but do, coming and rushing in. Are they even memories? Or is he just remembering what he dreamt about last night?

Fear. It courses through his body. It runs in his veins. He's constantly living with it.

Something's not right. Everything is wrong. He's not supposed to be here.

Tears are streaming down his face, and there's two soldiers on him, holding him, asking if he's alright. He doesn't care about them though, he pushes them away and stands up, bolting down the hallway.

He has to get away. He has to run.

He turns corners left and right, desperate to get outside. People call after him as he runs by them, and the one redhead, Kurt or whatever it was, chases him for awhile, but he loses her easily.

He gets outside and feels like he can breathe, but it isn't over yet. Now is where the fear actually sets in, actually takes control of him, because now he has to run across the pavement, all the way to the fences, and somehow escape.

His feet carry him and Pewds doesn't think he's ever ran this fast, but then again, he can't remember. He dodges people walking by, breath coming out harshly as he gets closer and closer to the fence.

He feels like a caged wild animal.

A gun goes off from behind him. He can feel the bullet piercing his skin and he falls over with the impact.

Then he's blacking out.


"What was that?!" Jack exclaims the next morning, bursting into the room. Pewdie looks up from his breakfast plate that he definitely isn't going to touch.

Dr. McLoughlin looks terrible.

"I'm having a nice dinner in my room, not my office, not my hospital room in where I treat patients, where you are right now, but in my actual room and all the sudden the higher ranks are knocking on my door, telling me that the Commander wants to have a meeting with me!" Jack rambles, going over to his desk in the corner of the room, putting down a stack of papers.

"...What'd he say?" Pewds asks quietly when Jack doesn't talk anymore, looks down at the cuff around his wrist that's attached to the bed. "Professor McLoughlin, we had to sedate one of your patients, PewDie fucking Pie, are you serious?!" Jack says, mocking the Commander at first, but then speaking normally the last couple of words.

Suddenly Jack is turning around and walking over to the bed. "Are you remembering things?" Jack says, a hint of malice in his voice.

Pewds no longer thinks its wise to trust the green haired man. "No, I just... I freaked out, couldn't believe that everything is destroyed and wanted to see for myself. I wanted to run to town and see the destruction, but..." He trails off, picking words that he's been told before.

"You're probably confused about why you can't leave the base, but I'll explain. There was this huge war, and now there's no government left, so people are free to do whatever they want. They will see you and try to kill you. There is no mercy out there."

Its believable. Jack visibly deflates with relief and sighs, rubs his eyes.

"Okay, that's... That's good. I'm glad you weren't trying to leave us or anything, you're my only source of entertainment." Jack laughs, albeit fake and forced. "Okay.. Since that's the case, we can move on with our plan. You need to kill someone." Jack says, turning to his desk to go through papers.

Pewdie can feel the blood drain from his face.

"Kill someone? Are you serious?" Pewdie asks and Jack side eyes him warily. "Yes. This is what we've been training you for."

"No, I... I can't do that..." Pewds stutters, looks at the cuff around his wrist. How is he supposed to get out of that?

"You're gonna have to." Jack says.

Pewds can feel panic start to rise up in him again. Fear.

"No!" He exclaims, starts yanking his right hand, trying to get the cuff off. It obviously doesn't work, so then he tries slipping his hand out, but that doesn't work either.

McLoughlin is saying something to him, but he doesn't pay attention, too busy trying to get the cuff off. He takes his other hand that is not his and pulls on the chain, not expecting it to work.

Its does.

He turns, ready to fling the sheets off of him but then Jack is there, holding his arm harshly and pushing a needle into his skin.

A sedative.


"824-7013" Jack recites, helping PewDie knock out. He does, immediately slumping and falling over, onto the bed.

Jack sighs. He didn't think they would have to resort to this.

▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一❀.°•*•°✾.* • °♡ °•❀

You guy's know what would be awesome? If y'all shared my story to other people. I put up chapter after chapter but barley get any reads or votes on them, so if y'all could share my story and help me get the reads and votes up, it would mean a hecka lot to me.

I'm tired and I'm taking pre SATs this week and everything sucks.

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