His Desires

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Chapter 28: His Desires

This chapter is intended for mature audiences. If you do not like that, I suggest you skip this chapter.

You were warned


The sky was a familiar shade of sapphire, tufted clouds were plentifully bestrewn, mingling and shifting. They seemed almost alive as my eyes formed one into a realistic lion that leaps and bound around the sky in the midst of the hunt. And then as the clouds settled I felt a calm wash over me, so peaceful that I could find myself asleep if only I shut my eyes. I, however, had an obligation.

I stood and brushed the dirt from the back of my skirt and walked slowly into the doorway of the mansion.

" Reiji-san, is it ok to put this book on this shelf? "

I hesitated my fingers brushing over the golden lettering along the spine of the leather bound book that I was holding. The lettering was faded to a point that the book's title and the author were almost illegible, the pages were discolored, words were smudged every page or so, this book was clearly well worn.

" Yes. Once you are done arranging the books, please sort those document according to their serial number. "

His placid voice and mellow tone soothed my hyperactive nerves, I was aware of how close he stood next to me. A complex odor tickled my nose it was sharp, dry and citrusy, yet still held a trace of bitterness. The smell was a little harsh but pleasant at the same time, I had almost wanted to lean into him and exhale deeply.

I snapped out of my daze and replied with enthusiasm, " Got it! "

" ...you seem to be quite delighted. I did not expect you to be this fond of cleaning. "

My lips pressed into a line. It wasn't that I liked to clean. I was just happy to be able to spend time with him, just the two of us.

" R- Really? "

I turned to the thick pile of papers and grimace, " Alright, next is sorting the documents... "

I picked a sheet a paper from the pile and glanced over it. I could only recognize some of the words. The words were neatly typed and spaced together in paragraphs.

" What is this document? It looks like it's written in English. "

He replied in an offhanded manner, " It is an article from abroad. I collect documents that are related to pharmacology. "

Reiji undoubtedly had a good head on his shoulders, it made me admire and respect him even more. I decided to ask a question that was weighing on my mind.

" I guess...You must find something like attending high school really stupid, don't you? "

" No. ...Not at all. School is like a miniature replica of human society, after all. "

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