Bleeding Heart

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Chapter 17: Bleeding Heart

It is the human heart that conceals its treasures. In secret they are kept, in silence they are sealed. Thoughts, hopes, dreams and pleasures are only broken when the allure is decoded.

An organ keys caper with a harsh, rapid tempo. It was a bleak tone that seem to cascade as it grew mute then abruptly ascent. I could hear the faint clack of heels against the floor as they moved steadily. My curiosity was eating me alive, after all I was a human and there was a craving inside me that need to be quenched. I leaned into the door way to find Reiji swaying a blonde women along with him to the melody. Her body seem to hang limply from his arms. When he released her she fell to the floor with a heavy thud. It was apparent that she was dead and there was nothing I could have done for her. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me over the discarded corpse.

"Are you... afraid of me?'' He asked.

He lifted my chin upwards forcing me to face him.

"Fufu...grow to fear me....''

His turn his cold, indifferent gaze on me as he leaned forward into my ear.

"More.... and more!'' He growled.

His hand shield the back of my head as he pushed me to the floor with him. His face was to mine, so close that our mellow breathing intermingled.

"Hold- hold it!' I cried out.

His hot, wet tongue trailed over my skin.

"Mhm...'' I whimpered.

His teeth made contact sinking into my skin. It lit my senses on fire as the pleasure overtook me. It was peer bliss yet my mind was overloaded.

"S..Stop it'' I cried out ranking my nails into his back.

He lifted his head from my shoulder blade and licked the blood for his lips.

"Do you truly desire for me to stop?''

He moved slightly and once more lean into me.

"If it was permissible, I believe that you would rather surrender yourself completely. "

He kissed my neck softly. "Like so...''

He buried his teeth deeply into my neck causing me to wince. When he was done he grab my chin grazing it with his nail. It drew blood that he licked from his thumb.

"Although you are a troublesome servant, At the very least this blood is acceptable.'' He grinned.

He licked my chin savoring my blood. Next he kissed me his tongue tasting the iron of blood. I lost myself in his heated kiss.

"Your expression when your falling, it is still improper and insightful. Though right now, it looks utterly beautiful. Its a one and a million view.''

Author Notes:Author-san is so tired and is depleted of all energy, restoring energy requires more love from Reader-Kun.Till next we meet again...Farewell

see you...


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