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Chapter 18: Necropolis

Love is tortuous venture that will never induce customary expiration. It vanishes consequently because of our detachment to its distinctive, depleting origin. It is overwhelmed by blindness, errors, betrayals, Illness, wounds ultimately asphyxiating, withering, tarnishing and permanently disintegrates.

My every sense was intensified even the accelerated pounding of my heart. The individual thudding in my chest was like the recurrent reverberation of a gong. I trembled in alarm as the silence was torn by the snap of a nearby twig. I glanced expeditiously at the vicinity, ancient tombstones surrounded me. The unearthly ambiance was so stifling that I had partly conceptualize that a demon may comfortably parade about, mollified by my misfortune.

The moon cast down its luminous gaze upon the dreary graveyard. A shrill caw of a crow woke me from my stupor to find Reiji serenely situated atop a gravestone with his legs crossed It had suddenly dawned on me the reason why I was in my current predicament, trying to sneak away from attentive Reiji.

His glare was sharp and cold as if he used it to penetrate into my heart. His brow furrowed with displeasure as he seized ahold of my arm.

"Seriously, you sure are... I told you didn't I, not to move from that spot."

"But I...." I startled to speak but was silenced by his fierce aura.

He released me a forced my gaze as he elevate my chin.

"This sure is irritating me. Ever since you came to us, you haven't even listened carefully to me once." He sighed wearily.

I attempted to escape by using my weight to drive him out of the way.

"I told you to stay put right. Do you wish to be punished? If you truly yearn for it, I don't mind complying to it."

He wrestled with me until I was pinned to the ground and I had no more stamina to move. He pulled a rope from his pocket his lips pulling up into a grin.

"This sure comes in handy now." He chuckled.

"If you do not wish to be punished, stay put." He warned tying the rope around my wrists.

I put all my effort into giving him my most hateful glare.

"As I thought it is better that I intoxicate you first then you will listen to me. " He pulled me into a sitting position and captured my lips with his mouth.

I had to say as infuriating as this precarious man was he was a damn good kisser. My cheeks flared with heat and my body quivered with want. He pulled away and playfully grinned.

"Hmpf, a dog who doesn't listen to his master properly get the same sort of treatment right. This is nothing too out of the ordinary now is it?"

He straighten suddenly and his breathing changed.

"Whats this?" He pulled my tied hands forward and looked at them.

"There is a little bit of blood coming from the palm of your hand. You, what are you planning to do by seducing me? "

"I...I am not!" I retorted.

He pulled my hands to his lips and licked the blood from my hand. His fangs touched my skin but retreated shortly. I wanted them no...I needed them.

" You want to feel pleased by my fangs, that is the truth right? What must I do? Tell me now, now I still have some reason left. "

"Please no..." I begged.

He brushed his mouth against my neck and kissed it softly.

"Your neck, I will be able to pierce them through there. Hmpf, it is a good place to start."

He burrowed his teeth into my neck sucking greedily. He drank till my head became disoriented and lightheaded.

"Please stop! no more." I yelled.

"Come, just a bit more, give me a bit more " He bite down harder.

"That we no longer can feel our own reason. We have turned into mere prey and predator now. Even when I say that, right now it doesn't matter to me anymore. I just, want blood."

He pulled away shortly after his grin turning into a scowl.

"Somehow I am able to feel again. Love and liking are things I used to know just like you. That used to be words of hope until a certain time. When I say it, it is like going back to that time. That feeling, is like out of this world. That feeling. To make ME remember them. " He shook his head.

"While I want to control you more and strictly. That I am now blurted out words of love. It is not possible, though, I can't stop it. I don't want to give you to anyone else, forever I want to keep on seeing you. How do you feel about it?"

He took my into his arms and hugged me tightly.

"I...I..." I caste my gaze downwards blushing intensely.

"Indeed. Like me who cannot live without you, you as well can not live without me."

"What do you want from me? My fangs or it is my heart" He asked inaudibly.

I answered him by covering his heart with my hand.

Author Notes:

Ello there!! Thank you so much for your support. Why? Well this book has almost reached 10k reads, thank to my wonderful fans, Isn't that amazing!?!?! Shout out to my brand new readers and maybe closet stalkers...Kidding!

TurkeysadiqannanJK1 and GenerousTales.

see you...


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