Bed of Roses

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Chapter 22: Bed of Roses

Love has a way of wilting or blooming at bizarre, unforeseen occasions. That is what love instinctively is, an intractable beast in the guise of a innocuous flower. The sun may not always shine or rain may not pour nor will the storm abuse it. However, even if it secret an ethereal fragrance, it could puncture with its spiked thorns. This is how love is, perfection is a fabricated pretense.

The somber hazy night sky flashed with intense bolts, romping behind the smoky clouds. As the bolts sporadically surfaced they suppressed their ululation abruptly vanishing. On a this night the sky demand to weep yet formed no tears.

Intense multicolored neon lights illuminated the streets. Several cars glide forward creating a small hiss against the asphalt kicking up water from the morning rainfall. Reiji and I walked side by side at relaxed pace, his glasses glisten reflecting the lights.

"After all, going outside helped in changing the mood, didn't it? " I said exhaling.

Reiji glanced at me with mixed amusement before replying, "Yes, you're right. It's a good change of pace."

A slight smile pulled at the edges of his lips as he readjusted his glasses.

It was nice to go out after staying in the castle all this time, I twirled slightly enjoying the slight freedom. The mild wind against my skin was pleasant.

"Its rather dangerous walking with so much carelessness. don't you think?" Reiji scolded with an aloof gaze.

Just as he was to open his mouth again a black truck whizzed by slashing mud and water upwards. I slightly lost my balance from surprise.

"Ah, Yui, Watch out!"

I closed my eyes but was surprised when I was pulled into a warm embrace. Inevitably we were both soaked in mud and water. As Reiji removed his grasp he looked at our attire with distaste. Yet, when his eyes met mine his gaze soften.

"Are you all right!?" He looked me once over.

"Ha...Is everything okay?"

"Yes....I guess." I replied.

Well everything but my wet clothing sticking to my skin. I felt disgusted at the water logged clothing on my body.

"That's why I told you to watch out, didn't I?"

I winced at his harsh tone stepping backwards.

"I'm sorry...But thank you very much for rescuing me." I forced out an apology under his stern gaze.

" do not need to thank me..." He sighed.

"Ah, Reiji-san's cloths...!" I yelped.

Because he had helped me, his clothing were now covered in the same dirt and water as mine. His brows wrinkled slightly in bafflement. He sighed once more.

"Oh, if those get dirty for your safety then it's not really a problem. More importantly than me, aren't you dripping wet?"

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