Smoke and Mirrors

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Chapter 14: Smoke and Mirrors

We construct walls, rules or laws to preserve our fickle reality; when they collapse and fade away we are left with nothing but illusions. Smoke and Mirrors.

The ornate vintage mirror stood and the back of the room its edging was a simple white. I studied my image in the reflection, my vivid violet eyes peered back at me. My medium short blonde hair rested lightly on my shoulders twisting at the tips. I was paralyzed by an ominous emanation which left me vulnerable. With a slight flicker an imposing figure had emerged from inside the mirror. The man held himself with finesse and dignity as he scanned me with his icy silver gaze. He wore an exquisite sleek jacket underneath was an ivory dress shirt, maroon waistcoat with matching trousers and polished loafers. He ran his fingers through his jet disorderly locks which mingled with white highlights, it was tied behind his neck.

His icy gaze seemed to all but melt away as he now looked upon me with a affectionate expression.

"My lovely Aiko, you've returned to me!" He grinned his fangs displayed.

I couldn't speak it was as if my voice was stolen from me. I shook my head fervently to express that I was not who he thought I was.

"What is the matter? Do you not recognized me? I am Kana your husband." He looked at me quizzically.

I couldn't discern his touch from reality or illusion. His fingers trailed over my body leave a faint cold behind.

I finally caught my voice.

"L..Let go!" I yelled.

He immediately froze and looked at me with shock.

"Are we not already acquainted what is the problem with a little touch? Kana asked.

We sat in silence before a commanding voice chimed in.

"What is the matter is that you are touching what belongs to me." Reiji growled stepping into the room.

He seemed disheveled dressed in a white shirt, pants and his glasses were removed.

"I kindly request that you remove your hand before I make you." Reiji threatened.

"She belongs to me not you." Kana yelled back shaking the room with his temper.

"Good grief, this is why I dislike hysterical people who demand things frankly when they want them." Reiji shook his head with disgust.

Kana snarled but could not escape the mirror he bounced against it and was send backwards. Reiji seeing this took the mirror and shattered it with his strength.

"That takes care of that." He sighed.

As the force left my body I was unable to remain standing I collapsed to the ground. He caught me swiftly as I fell.

" saved me." I said.

"Do not misunderstand, It was merely unbearable to have my servant snatched away. Yes, I'm not attached to you, personally. only temped by your blood. Do not get carried away with your hubris." He scoff.

I scowled at him angry with his remark.

"Hehe...that expression of realization. We do not hold feelings of affection or love the same as humans do. Well sometimes it happens but bear in mind its only one in a thousand." He chuckled.

I struggled trying to escape his grasp. How could this man be so warm then cold the next moment.

"Once again I find myself thirsty. Now...hand over your blood." He demanded.

He dug his fangs into my neck draining me of my blood. Yet, he held me gently and comforted me with his hands threading though my hair.

"My brain feels like its being senses are being assaulted. " He pulled away.

He was panting like an animal without water.

"Now that its come to this it is all I want is your blood. It looks like I'm tied to you. It is annoying but...This doesn't seem like it will go away at all."

He kissed me before returning to my neck.

Author Notes:

Well its been awhile...and I've missed everyone!! Sorry its taken so long I've been in and out of the hospital and I was told I have to have surgery next week! Oh my gosh I'm kind of nervous. Wish me luck I'm going to need it.

PS: I used a song as inspiration. [Smoke and Mirrors by Imagine Dragons]

see you...


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