Silver Night

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Chapter 12: Silver Night

He who in his madness pleads for quiescent storms and desires constant tranquility to soothe his desolation. Will only then gain light that shine through the veil of lies and frustrations built in his mind; revealing a scared little boy who just wanted to be loved.

I watched silently the still figure which sat undistorted, graciously drawing the cup to his lips. The wind sent the curtains airborne twisting in its flurry as the door flew open with the solemn thud.

"Quickly come here before you test my temper ." He ordered.

I froze my body remaining unyielding to my commands. His tender gaze smothered my chest denying me air. My heart hammered its own tune, the fervor igniting my face.

"Come now." He spoke softly motioning me towards his lap.

I sat, his arm coiled around me holding me gently. The faint silver light of the moon illuminate the room. His hair glistened in its staggering splendor.

"Those yearning, falling eyes. Those tainted lips, they are more beautiful than normal."

His fingers landed on my lips as he spoke his last word.


"Hush now. " His fingers thread my ribbon loosing it.

"There I removed the ribbon on your chest. You will show me your neck."

The ribbon fell to the ground. He stared hungrily at me waiting to be sated like the beast he was.

"You're already like this. Your body, your heart... and your feeling need me."

His tongue trailed from my ear to the base of my neck. He bit sharply causing me to whimper.

"Just the slight taste of your blood agitates me so. I almost want to lose control." He growled moving his focus to my lips.

"You are mine."

With those words he captured both my lips and my silver filled night.

Author Notes:

Hey guy! Did you miss me? No? Yes? Maybe so?
Anyways short chapter this time I promise to write sooner to make up for it. This is not how I envisioned this chapter at all! Dang these Sakamaki brothers and their willfulness. Urg! Anyways I'm whipped from school, work and a major terrible cold.
*cough, cough, don't mind me just dying in my blanket made burrito* 😷😷😷
Your officially contagious friend,

see you...


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