moving on

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Jungkooks pov

I woke feeling good I then turned to my side and saw carmen wasn't there then I shot up and started looking for her and calling her name "carmen where are you" I called i checked everywhere I then went to sit down at the table when I saw a note it read:

Dear jungkook

Im so sorry to leave you this way but I needed to go and be alone for a while I know your gonna be mad when I say this i read your text messages and saw that you betted you could sleep with me im so hurt that you would do that am I nothing but a toy to you I told you my life story I told you I loved you but hey you are the school playboy after all I hope your happy now that you got what you want don't bother about seeing me again im not coming back to school I hope it was all worth it.

Sincerely carmen

P.s. I sent the photo that you needed to prove you slept with me goodbye forever.

When I finished the letter I had tears spilling out my eyes I couldn't believe shes gone I never wanted this to happen I never wanted her to leave I wish I could have taken everything back and start over again i knew I fucked up I had to find her I needed to find her shes my everything I love her with all my heart I can't let what we have go i need to show her how much im sorry I need her to know I would never want to hurt her I then got dressed and went to her house and to see if she was there but no one answered "CARMEN" I yelled "PLEASE COME OUT I NEED TO TALK TO YOU" I then started to look through every window but no one was there I then sat there feeling lost and empty I couldn't find her I miss her so much I then decided to go home she didn't want to see me and im sure of that.

Carmens pov

My mom sent out a note to the school telling them i wasn't going to be there anymore after that I went out job hunting after hours of looking I couldn't find anything I then came up to BigHitEntertainment and see if they had a opening and they did I would be a secretary for a group called bts after that I called jimin to see if I could stay with him until I find my own place and he said yes I was so happy I started to go home and pack a few hours later he came and we loaded up everything. It took us a while to finish unpacking but when we were done we decided to relax "are you sure your ok with me moving in" I said "of course I am your my bestfriend and I would never want you to be homeless" jimin said I just felt like I was a burden like I should have my own place and should be able to provide for myself i then felt some starring in my stomach I soon ran for the bathroom and started vomiting "hey carmen are you ok" jimin asked "yea im fine just probably something I ate" after that I went upstairs and laid down skipping dinner I felt really sick and I didn't know why I then felt myself going to sleep.

A few hours later I woke up and I still felt bad my stomach was hurting so bad I then went to the bathroom to throw up some more i soon called my mom to take me to the doctor since jimin was in school I got dressed and waited when I was done she was here I got in and we left we then sat in a waitingroom till I was called there were some babies there and a couple of adults but they were doing their own thing a couple of minutes went by and we were up next the doctor told me to lift up my shirt and she put some cold liquid on my and then started to rub it with a round stick "well it seems as though your pregnant" me and my mother gasped and I didn't believe it i then asked "how far" "about a day or two so your pretty early" she said then cleaned me up and left I was frozen I then remembered me and jungkook forgot to use protection i then looked my mom and she had tears in her eyes "when" she said I knew what she meant "the day before I moved out" "who" " my boyfriend but we broke up" she then got up and hugged me "so your not made at me" I asked "why would I be mad your grown up now the choices you make are your own i can only say that I will be there for you if you need me" she said we then got up and left she also told me that I need to tell jungkook I said no I didn't want to see him and that I could handle it she then dropped me off at jimin's house when I came in jimin was there cooking "im home" I yelled he looked at and said "oh hey where have you been all day" "at the hospital" he then stopped cooking and ran over to me "what happened" he asked worriedly "nothing im just I-im just pregnant" he stared at me wide eyed then picked me up and spun me around "oh this is so great your gonna be a mommy I can wait to see what he or she looks like and if they'll look like or-" "ok ok I get it im just as happy as you are" I said "wait are you gonna tell jungkook" he asked "no I don't want him in my life or this baby's" "ok its your kid but now you need to eat" he said he then set the table and we ate when we were done I decided to take a shower and go to bed I was tired from today and felt really bad it was either the baby or me feeling guilty about not telling jungkook about it either way I just shrugged it off and went to sleep.

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