babies and love

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Time skip a month

Carmens pov

I was chilling on the couch watching t.v. and eating some pizza Jimin was at his practice with the guys so I was home alone but he did call to check on me every now and then and the baby wasn't due for a few more days my show finally goes off so I go to the kitchen to get me some water as I was walking back I felt a sharp pain in my stomach but I just guess the baby was kicking so I sat back down then another sharp kick this time even harder soon the kicks became more violently and I felt as if my pants were wet i looked down to see they were and I knew my water broke I then hurried to my phone and dialed Jimin after a few rings he picked up "hello" he said "j-jimin I think the b-baby is c-coming" I stuttered due to the pain I then heard a loud scream through the phone "omg omg omg the babies coming omg what do I do" "Jimin" "is there enough time to get there" "Jimin" "Are you in a lot of Pa-" "JIMIN!!!" I yelled he then settled down "look im calling the ambulance just meet me at xxxxxxxx hospital ok" "ok" he said then hung up I then dialed the hospital and they were on their way a few minutes later they came and we were on our way to hospital when we got there they rolled me to an empty room and started hooking wires to me soon a guy walked up to me "hi my name is Dr. John and I will be helping you with your delivery" he said all I could do is shake my head then they started "ok Mrs. Carmen you're at 7 when you get to 9 I'll need you to push ok" I shook my head and started breathing just then Jimin and Jungkook came rushing in "sorry we're late couldn't find the hospital" Jimin said he then came to my other side and started holing my hand Jungkook did the same to my other hand " alright Carmen you're at 9 you need to push" he said "I can't it hurts" I said then Jimin turned my head his way "look Carmen I may not know how you feel but just think about how our baby is gonna look just take the pain and you'll feel all better afterwards I promise" he said then kissed me I sucked up the pain then pushed and boy did it hurt like hell after pausing for what seemed to be forever i heard a cry i ten saw them holing my baby they then gave her to me and wrapped her up so the doctor came in with some scissors "ok which one is the lucky dad whose gonna cut the cord" Jimin pointed to Jungkook and so he grabbed the scissors and cut the cord after they were done cleaning up the doctors left and it was just me Jungkook and Jimin "so what are you two gonna name her" Jimin asked we really haven't thought of a name yet me and Jungkook were thinking till something popped in my head "how about Kayla lee park" I said they both shook their heads and that's what her name is soon the guys and you parents came in my mother was the first one to hold her "oh look at her she has your eyes and your nose oh and she has her grandma's mouth" she said we all chuckled she then passed her to Jimin's mom "oh my look at her so small I can't believe it we're grandmas huh wow" she said she then passed her to her husband and he spoke after everyone congratulated us and said there remarks they went home except for Jimin and Jungkook "oh hey Jungkook you think you can stay with Carmen for a while I'm gonna head home and get us some clothes to wear since she'll be here" he said Jungkook nodded and Jimin left "wow you're a mom now how does it feel "he asked "it gels great it feels like nothing could ever take me away from her it like loving someone all over again you know" I said "yea I do know Carmen I'm really sorry if I hadn't used you like that nun of his would have happen i just hope you can forgive me" he said i then thought a moment and said "is i do forgive you and yes I was mad about what you did but if that never happened Kayla wouldn't be here I'm just glad that she's ok and if you want you can still see her whenever you want" I said he nodded "you know you haven't got a turn yet you wanna hold her" he nodded he then carefully picked her up and rocked her she was still asleep after a long day after a few he put her back in her bed and sat down soon he fell asleep just then Jimin came in "sorry I'm late I didn't know what you liked so I just got what looked pretty on you" he said I chuckled a little he then turned his head to sleeping Jungkook "what's he still doing here you want me to take him home" he asked I shook my head "let him sleep there and you can sleep up here with me" I said he then changed into his pajamas and climbed in bed he then put arm around me and snuggled up on his chest getting cozy "I love you Carmen you know that you and our daughter Kayla even if she isn't mine I'll always love her like my own for you" he said "thank you an i know you will that's why I love you too" I said we then both fell asleep feeling happy that our family was complete.

Hey you guys sorry for the long break school got me dead over here well sorry the chapters short but at least you know im not dead so stop complaining well anywho see you guys next time luv ya💗

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