about the author

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Whats up all my beautiful people (guess whose back, back again i am back tell a friend)

Anywho i know no one asked but i want to give a little bio about myself and also i like to brag about how awesome i am sooo here we go

Favorite color: don't have one i think all colors are beautiful.

Favorite food: anything good

Likes: seventeen, ikon, big bang, puppies, music, and new things

Dislike: annoying people, people who ask dumb questions, and people in general.

Favorite artist: seventeen, ikon, bts, exile tribe the rampage, and any indian singers.

Hobbies: cooking, drawing, and being a friend to everyone

Bias(s): woozi, seungkwan, bobby, jungkook, suga, likiya

Other stuff: i love all my readers and i hope you jave a wonderful and fulfilling life

Stay sweet 💖💖💖

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