Life goes on pt1

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Carmen's pov

3 years later

I was outside putting up some streamers today has to be perfect. All of the food, drinks, and party favors were out, and it was almost time for the party to begin. I was checking some stuff on a table when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and someone kissing my cheek " Hey babe everything looks amazing great job" Jungkook said " thanks but I feel like something is missing" I said turning around to face him "nothing is missing everything looks amazing don't stress" he said nonchalantly I furrowed my brows at him " Mr. Jeon motherfucking Jungkook I don't want it to just be amazing I want it to also be perfect thank you very much" I said with a little sass he then rolled his eyes " whatever you say Ms. Jeon" he said before slapping my ass and running away I just chuckled it had been 2 years since I married this fool, and it was the best decision I ever made. Soon I heard a baby cry it was my son he was in his play pen outside and it seemed as though he wanted to be held, I ran over and picked him he then started to settle down. He was the cutest mix of me and Jimin a little on the chubby side, but I love babies with rolls. Soon Jimin came in and ran up to me " hey Carmen the place looks beautiful" he said i smiled " thanks I just want everything to be perfect you know" I said even though my son is Jimin's, and my daughter is Jungkook's we all manage to get along Jimin comes by every now and then to check on his son and us we even go on trips and have parties together. " So anything you need help with" he asked " No everything is done I just have to go get the birthday girl and myself ready" I said yes today is Kayla's 4th birthday I might just cry my babies are growing up even though their a year and some months apart I just can't stand that their getting bigger. " Can you take Kalvin for a minute while I go get the birthday girl ready and please don't let him get dirty" I said handing him Kalvin " alright i wont hi buddy you miss daddy" he said walking away and tickling Kalvin earning some giggles. 

I walked into the house and up the stairs to Kayla's room along the way i was looking at all of our photos from Kayala's first birthday to the whole family in one picture I smiled reminiscing on all those memories. I soon reached Kalay's room when I heard her laughing, I peeked inside to see Jungkook holding her up and making airplane noises and running around the room. They looked like they were having a lot of fun. I soon stepped in and they looked at me Jungkook cam over to me with Kayla in is arms and kissed me " Hi mommy we were just traveling around the world" he said with a smile Kayala still laughing her head off. " Well, I'm glad you both are having fun, but we need to get ready everyone is already downstairs waiting" I said taking Kayala from him " Alright I'll be downstairs if you need me love you queen and my little princess" he said kissing her forehead and leaving out. After 30 excruciating minutes of my daughter constantly fighting me on getting her dressed she was finally ready (this is her hair and dress)

 After 30 excruciating minutes of my daughter constantly fighting me on getting her dressed she was finally ready (this is her hair and dress)

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