the plan part 2

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Jungkooks pov

I woke up to the sound of Kayla crying I sat up and was about to grab her when Carmen got up " don't worry I got it " she looked kinda sluggish I looked at my phone it's 6:30 we have to be at the airport at 7:30 so i got up and started packing soon as I was done Carmen came back "hey we leave in 30 minutes so get ready she moaned they dragged herself to the bathroom.

While she was in there I decided to get Kayla ready so i went to her room and hurried and dressed her I checked my phone it was 6:45 we needed to leave right now i didn't have time to take a shower so i threw on some blue jeans and a white t-shirt soon Carmen came out and got dressed we then moved our bags downstairs. I put the stuff in the car and she grabbed Kayla we then hurried off to the airport. I parked the car and we rushed in it was almost 7:30 we have 13 minutes to get to the plane.

Thank goodness we got there in time and boarded I got us a family ticket in first class so we could all sit together we sat down and we were out of breath.

Carmens pov

I have never been so rushed in my life          it felt like we were running a marathon but it was worth it the first class seats were so nice we had our own room were the seats roll back into beds, our own tv and everything was complementary with the ticket except for the alcohol but I couldn't drink it so it didn't matter I looked at jungkook "thank you for taking us on this trip it's so nice to get away from evrything" he smirked " no problem gotta take care of my family" he leaned over and kissed my forehead I blushed and turned away he laughed "so where are we going " I asked " it's a surprise and I'm not going to tell you" he said I just sat there and pouted I decided to let my seat back and go to sleep since it might be a while till we get there.

Time skip

I was woken up by jungkook shaking me I woke up and gave him a really nigga look "we're here" I looked out the window and we were on land I looked at Kayla and she was still asleep. So we got up and grabbed our stuff and got off the plane " now can you tell me where we are" he looked at me " not yet dear but in time I'll tell you" this was pissing me off he was never gonna tell me for all I know we could be all the way in Canada or some weird part of China.

Jungkooks pov

I called us a taxi and we loaded in the car I know carmens gonna be mad at me for not telling her where we're at but I just want to wait till tonight to tell her I have a special surprise for her I know she'll love it. We arrived at the hotel, checked in, and went up to our room just as we were about to unpack Kayla wakes up crying "I got it" I said and picked her up and rocked her for a little baby she can cry really loudly soon she fell back asleep and i laid her down gently " so now are you gonna tell me where we are" Carmen asked "not yet my dear tonight I will" she gave me that really nigga look again "seriously you made me wait all this time and you still haven't told I'm starting to think we're in some other reality" I couldn't help but laugh she was so cute when she's mad " don't worry sweety tonight I promise I will tell you ok" she just looked at me the started unpacking "oh and wear something nice for tonight I have a surprise.

Time skip to tonight

I put a blindfold on Carmen so she couldn't see where we're going I had Kayla in my arms she was looking around at everything and I had Carmen's hand in my other hand "I swear if you peak through that blindfold your ass is mine" she then put her hand back down a few more steps and we're here. "Ok you can look now.

Carmens pov

I took off the blindfold and my jaw dropped it was a candle lit table on the beach with food on it and rose petals were spread all around and in word it said welcome to jeju island I was so shocked I ran up and gave him a big hug "thank you thank you thank you this is the bestest surprise you ever have to me besides Kayla" we laughed "anything for you Carmen" he leaned down and kissed me I kissed him back we then sat down and enjoyed our dinner.

When we got back we were so tired Kayla was still asleep so i changed her into her pyjamas and laid her down while I changed in my i got in bed and so did jungkook he gently picked up Kayla and laid her on his chest and pulled me close to him "I love you" he said and kissed my forehead " I love you too" wait did I just say that am I starting to have feelings for jungkook again I just shrugged it off and went to sleep.

Hello here's part two hope you enjoy it and see you guys in the next chapter. Stay sweet💖💖💖

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