Chapter 31

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Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 31- Independent Research Time, Final Resolve Time, Valentines Time: After School

After the class 'debate', Class E had immediately started to brainstorm their ideas. It was interesting, to say the least.

Takebayashi stood at the front of the classroom, presenting 'Operation: Save Korosensei', "Let's try thinking about this normally. Are the leaders of our world considering nothing but killing Korosensei? I don't think so. After all, the fundamental goal is to save the earth. If there's a way to prevent the explosion without killing Korosensei, that would also be considered a valid option. In parallel with the research into killing him, it stands to reason that there'd be at least some research into saving him. And that research...has likely advanced beyond what was known when Korosensei was still the GoD. Why don't we try investigating that?"

Karasuma crossed his arms, "The chances of that are slim. The research organization that made this octopus...was forced to take responsibility for the moon's explosion. The data and leadership of their research has been handed over to advanced countries. By now...the world's top science foundations have divided up the research and formed an international project team for saving the planet. Obviously, all of the project's information is top secret. It would be next to impossible for any of you to learn its contents."

Karasuma and I freaked out when Ritsu interrupted, "I've hacked into the project's database. Over the year, i've been studying to expand my functionality."

I groaned and facepalmed, "For an AI, you sure are an idiot."

Isogai sweatdropped, "Woah, now we can see every item of research and their schedules in the world."

Ritsu turned serious, "However, due to the strong security system, I don't know the specific details. Information related to the core of the research is kept offline. Even on their intranet, there are no traces of the most important information being exchanged."

Rio brought a hand up to her chin, "Then how do they communicate the data?"

Korosensei appeared behind them, "Simply put, via hand delivery. Under strict management, the hard drives are transported directly through human hands. It's a primitive method, but that makes it extremely hard to steal the data."

" do we know whether they're researching ways to save Korosensei or not?"

Fuwa responded to Maehara's question, "You can guess at the contents of the studies by looking at the titles. Let's see...most of it is nothing but research on killing. Here! Out of the research currently taking place, this is the only one that looks like what we want! An American team...'verification experiments for preventing the destructive antimatter chain reaction that accompanies the aging and division of tentacle cells'! The sample of the final estimated to return...on January 25th from the I.S.S.?"

"The International Space Station?!?!"

"They can do research in a place like that?"

Okuda clenched her fists, "That's actually possible! After all, there's plenty of research that can't be done without zero gravity or a vacuum! And also, umm....on the off-chance that the research causes a huge explosion, the fact that it's in outer space reduces the damage."

Kimura spoke up next, "So...once those research results get back to earth, can we find out about those immediately? Karasuma-sensei only gave us this month, after all."

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