Chapter 24

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Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 24- Mistake Time, After Time, and Present Time

Midterms are coming up again. Honestly, I feel like i'm more nervous than the students. Korosensei is once again outdoing himself.

Korosensei clapped his tentacled together, his clones mirroring him, "Okay, okay, everyone. We have the second semester midterms in two weeks! The time has finally come to surpass Class A! Let us turn up the heat! The heat!!"

I sweatdropped and crossed my legs. He's really going at it this time. Then again, the last midterm took a huge blow on his pride as a teacher. 'This means our deadline is in 5 months.' I stood up and walked out quietly, so as not to disturb the students' studying.

I met with Irina and Karasuma in the faculty room, "Hey guys."

I pulled up a chair and sat close to Karasuma, looking at the computer screen.

"What are you doing,Karasuma?"

Karasuma leaned back in his chair, "After the exams, i'm going to increase the intensity of the training. It's not really a reward, but I was thinking of giving the students a present."

Irina crossed her arms, "I see. But you don't understand a woman's heart, do you? Move it, i'll choose the ones for the girls."

I fell out of my chair when Korosensei popped up, "Then, leave the boys to me.Karasuma-sensei, you choose a present for Akane-chan and Irina-sensei."

Karasuma got angry, "Go away, you damn pest!!"

Irina helped me up and I rubbed the back of my head, "Ko-chan! Go away! We're busy plotting against you!"

Korosensei cried and looked away dramatically, "But, Akane-chan...we're best friends, right? You shouldn't plot against me."

My eye twitched and an irk mark appeared on my head, "Quit it with all the histrionics and get out!"

A few hours later, I got a phone call from Nagisa, "Oh, my dear baby is calling me! How can I help you?~"

"We, kinda ran into some trouble..."

My eyes narrowed and I immediately assumed the worst, "What happened? Where are you?"

"The hospital, we were just jumping buildings...but we startled someone and they're..."

I sighed, "We'll be there as soon as possible."

I hung up and looked at Karasuma, "Seems my children have turned into delinquents. Let's go."

Karasuma and I walked out of the ER and Class E looked at us expectantly. Karasuma sighed, "He has a fracture in his right thigh bone. It cracked when he lost his balance and fell from you guys startling him. It's not serious, so it seems he'll be able to walk in two weeks, but you guys are a national secret/ We're negotiating for his silence and settlement. He seemed like a stubborn old man, but my subordinate is doing all she can to convince him."

We all felt a dark presence and looked back to see an enraged, black Korosensei.

"K-Korosensei...Look, who would think there would be an old man on a bicycle full of

stuff on a street like that, right?"

"I do think what we did was wrong, but we did it to polish our skills."

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