Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 19- Shock Time, Curse Time, Takebayashi Time, and Ruler Time-2nd Hour

Festivals, a place that looks like a fairytale. To bad I can't go. Well, work over play, am I right?

I feel a bit jealous that everyone else has fun plans, but Karasuma and I have to go to work. I sighed quietly and leaned back in my chair.

"There is no change regarding the ten billion for a lone assassination. However, due to the summer vacation report, we have taken group tactics into consideration, and so, in the case that a group assassination is successful, there will be additional pay."

I stared at the small tv besides our higher-up. 'Fireworks, huh?'


Akane: 10 years old

"Mommy, what are those pretty lights up there?" I tugged on the sleeve of my mother's kimono. She looked down with a straight face, "Those are fireworks."

I looked up in awe, "Mommy, can we come here every year? You're never home anymore."

My mother looked shocked before giving me a rare smile, "Of course. It'll be our tradition. I promise that i'll try to be home more often."

Akane: 13 years old

I was disappointed. Instead of my mom being home more, she came home less. Eventually, she stopped coming altogether. My dad is an assassin, so I only get to see him on my birthday, but he'll leave me too.

~Flashback End~

"Wait! You're kidding me. Right, Ko-chan?! Takebayashi is leaving the class! I mean, I guess that's good for him, but...he's a part of our family." The news had upset me greatly. They would be announcing it to the whole school today, at the monthly assembly.

"Now, we have one last announcement! Starting today, Class 3A will be adding a new member to their ranks. Until yesterday, he was in Class E. However, with his diligent efforts, he has received excellent grades, and has earned the permission to return to the main school building. Now then, let us hear his words of joy!! Takebayashi Koutarou-kun!!"

I crossed my arms and tried not to let my feelings of betrayal show. 'It's not his fault.'

I listened to Takebayashi as he nervously spoke, "I have spent over 3 months in Class E. Simply put, that environment was hell. My classmates had no drive. Even the teachers had given up on us. I realized the price I paid for my slacking. I want to go back to the main school building. For that, I studied as if my life depended on it. I even changed my attitude towards everyday life. From the bottom of my heart, i'm overjoyed that i'm able to return. I will work hard so that I will never fall into Class E again. That is all."

I clenched my fists while everyone, with the exception of Class E, clapped and cheered.

When we returned to the classroom, everyone was angry and depressed.

Maehara slammed has fist on the board, "What is with that guy?! I can't believe he even threw away a chance at 10 billion yen to ditch us!"

"He even said this place was hell!"

"Even if he was forced to say that, that's just wrong."

Megu was looking down at her desk, "It is true that Takebayashi-kun's grades suddenly improved, but I believe that's only because Korosensei taught him. If he even forgot that much, then I can't look at him the same way."

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