Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 25- God of Death Time, Counter Attack Time, God of Death Time 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and World Time

Third P.O.V.

Bitch-Sensei and Akane-san haven't come back since then.

Kimura looked really worried, "It's been 3 days already."

Yada sighed, "I wonder if we went to far."

'It's not like Akane-chan to disappear like this.' Korosensei looked at Karasuma, "Karasuma-sensei, I understand prioritizing this mission, but shouldn't you talk to Akane-chan? And Irina-sensei is missing too."

Karasuma had a dark look on his face, "I have an interview with another hitman after this. I'll be heading back."


"This is a mission to save the planet. It's fine for you guys to spend your time as middle school students, but she and I are experienced professionals. Compassion is useless."

Karasuma walked out, leaving Korosensei to feel a surge of anger. 'I know that he's strict, but Akane-chan really loves him. For him to be this cruel after all their time's heartless.'

Nagisa P.O.V

'Akane-san....something isn't right about this. And Bitch-sensei disappearing at the same time?'

I lifted my head up when Korosensei opened the window, "Please call me if there is any activity from Akane-chan or Irina-sensei. Sensei must go to Brazil to watch a football game."

Kayano sweatdropped, "Was Korosensei that into football? He did say he would watch today's match no matter what a while ago, but still."

"I wonder if Bitch-sensei and Akane-san are alright."

"I can't reach Bitch-sensei's cell. How about you, Nagisa? Anything from Akane-san?"

I took out my cell and checked for any messages, "No. She's not answering."

'It's really unusual. Akane never passes up a chance to talk to us.'

Ryunosuke crossed his arms, "You don't think...they'd leave, right?"

The flower guy from the other day came in, "That won't happen. They still have things to do here."

Okano waved, "Right? All in all, they make things really fun here."

"Yes, you all have quite a bond with them. I determined that from an initial investigation. All I need to do, is take advantage of that."

Class E let out an exclamation of shock. 'This guy! He just naturally blended in with the classroom!'

The man smiled, "I, am the hitman known as the 'God of Death.' Starting now, I would like to give you all a lesson. Through their beauty, flowers can drown out a person's cautiousness. It opens up a person's heart. But, the original purpose for which the flower evolved beautifully and fragrantly, Ritsu-san, display the images I sent you, is to lure insects."

Two pictures were then displayed on Ritsu's screen. One was a picture of Bitch-sensei tied up, and the other was of Akane-san, tied up to a pole. Both looked a bit worse for wear. (That expression basically means they're tired or in poor condition.)

"I'll make it short. If you would like to protect their lives, by no means informing your teachers, all of you will come to the location I direct you to. If you don't want to come, you don't have to come. In that event, i'll send them to you guys, after I divide them up to spread them out equally to you all. And the 'next flower' will probably be one of you guys."

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