Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 1 - Assassination Time

I quietly sighed as I sat in a chair facing the monster.

How the hell did this even happen? I looked at the yellow octopus with wariness. Oh yeah, he blew up the moon.


'Why are we entrusting this task to a bunch of kids anyways?' I ran a hand through my short brown hair and tuned in once my partner, Karasuma, started explaining.

"I am Karasuma from the Ministry of Defence. First of all, I would like you to understand that what I am about to say is classified government information. Now, cutting straight to the point... I want you to kill this monster." The students looked dumbfounded at the information before throwing out insults.

I stepped forwards slightly to speak with a monotone voice, "This creature that destroyed the moon has announced that he will be destroying the Earth next March. The world's leaders are the only ones who know about this. Before the world is plunged into panic, they are exerting considerable effort to kill him behind the scenes."

Karasuma finished the explanation while pulling out a plastic knife from his suit,"In other words, an assassination. At any rate, this guy is fast! Far from killing him, I'm having my eyebrows trimmed by him! He is a super creature possessing enough power to transform a full moon into a crescent. His maximum speed is actually Mach 20! If this guy were to seriously run away, we would be helpless until the day of our destruction."

Karasuma stopped his attempts with an angry face. The yellow monster placed a... tentacle, on his shoulder with a smirk, "Well, that wouldn't be any fun at all. Which is why I made a proposal to the world. I don't want to be killed, but... if I become a homeroom teacher for Kunugigaoka Junior High School, Class 3-E, then you're welcome to try."

I continued after him, "We don't know his exact goal. However, the government has reluctantly agreed. Our condition is that he cannot cause any harm to you students. Our reasons are twofold. Seeing as he will come to this classroom every day as a teacher, we can observe him and, above all, with 30 people... you'll have the chance to kill him at point-blank range."

-End Flashback-

So here we are now. Students trying to kill a monster, and me, watching him at all times. The real motivator for this job is the 10 billion yen reward. Though my real interest is making this world a safe place.

I looked at the clock that read noon.

"It's lunch time~ Sensei's going to China for a bit to eat some Mapo Doufu. (Basically just tofu in spicy chili.) If anyone wants to assassinate me, please just call my cell." The octopus used his mach 20, causing a gust of wind to blow throughout the area. I kept my facial expression as calm as possible as I looked out the window. I turned to look at a few of the students, "You guys should probably eat to. No point in trying to assassinate him on an empty stomach." A student by the name of Rio Nakamura walked up to me with a smile, "Umm... you never really introduced yourself to us." I noticed the other students in the classroom glancing over in anticipation.

"My apologies. My name is Akane Iroha of the Ministry of Defence. I will be watching over you all throughout the year."

Rio smiled mischievously, "So, Miss Iroha, what's your relationship with Mr. Karasuma?" I turned my head to hide a blush, "We're partners in our work field. You should go eat, I have something I need to do." I stood and walked to the faculty room, pulling out my cellphone.

Ties (Karasuma)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora